Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Time for a Break

The Turkish String Bag is putting up a fight. I've had to frog it a couple of times. I'm using double yarn and every once and while I catch only one yarn. I have found it impossible to pick up any dropped stitches. I don't think I have enough yarn, either.

I picked up some cheap acrylic yarn that is varigated pink. I keep asking my self why. I found a machine knit shrug that is made with vaigated pink yarn, and when I saw it at Savers, I thought, what the heck. Well, I really can't see myself or anyone else for that matter wearing this yarn. It looks like candy.

I am distracted by my upcoming long vacation and trip to the Mainland. I have to tie up all the loose ends at work and clean house a bit before I go.

I am comfort buying. It's a disease. Somebody shoot me please ;)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stitch Markers

Stitch markers are a fun way to use up a few of my beads. I got carried away with the angel ones since they are so easy to make. I have a some other types of rings/wires to try out so the can be removed without having to slide off the needle. I also will work on a few larger ones for the larger knitting needles.

I am still experimenting on ways to make a colored back ground in my scanner. I haven't had much time to play with the new Paint Shop Pro. Perhaps I better go hang out in that group for a while.

Turkish String Bag is coming along.

I will also have to read up on how to make links in my text boxes linkable.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

From the Vintage File

I was fortunate to have a long time crafter gift me with a few of her vintage magazines. This particular one is missing the first 2 pages and the cover, so I don't know what year it is, but I suspect from the hairstyles, late 1940s. I will do an little research.

I wonder if these were made and actually worn? I had to chuckle.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Soleil Finished

The peach demon is done. I was hoping to use up all the peach yarn I found lurking in my stash, but I still have a bunch left. Perhaps I should make the Chicken Viking Hat

Monday, August 15, 2005

Cherry Earrings

I got the idea for these earrings from Craftsters. I couldn't tell how the leaves went on and may experiment a bit more, but they do look a bit cherry like and were quick and easy to make.

I also experimented with a other then grey back ground in my scanner. There was a bit of cloud in the middle portion of the scan, that I have to figure out how to get rid of. Thank goodness there is a nice crop tool in PaintShop Pro!

Bloomin' Haiku

Let go blooms of youth
Many new ones thrive out there
Go out and smell them.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Watch

"Rolex", heh, watch head, and with tourmaline beads and pink CZ. It's about 1/4 inch longer then I wanted it. Finding a gold filled clasps that was easy to open was a challenge. I may be remaking this one.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Barb's Fingerless Gloves

I wish I remembered the name of this wool yarn I got in Alaska. Its a worsted weight yarn. I used what I had left from the one skein I made the hat with.

Needles: 4 double pointed Size 4

Cast on 40 st
Rib, K2P2 for as long as you want. I did 15 rows round and round.
Increase 4 st evenly spaced on the last row.
Knit in stockinette stitch up to the base of thumb. I did 6 rows. I have small hands.
Start the base of the thumb:
K2, inc 1, K1, inc 1, Knit around
K 2 rows
K2, inc 1, K3, inc 1, Knit around
K2 rows
K2, inc 1, K5, inc 1, Knit around
K2 rows
K2, inc 1, K7, inc 1, Knit around
K2 rows
K2, inc 1, K9, inc 1, Knit around
K2-4 rows
K1, slip next 13 st to holder
Knit around until you want the ribbing to start. I did 7 rows.
Decrease on the last row so you have a multiple of 4. I dec to 40 stitches.
Rib, K2P2 until you are at the crease where your fingers leave the palm. I did 6 rows.
Bind off in ribbing.

The thumb
Put the 13 st on needles. Join yarn 2 rows above the thumb and pick up 2 st along that edge. Knit the next 13 st and pick up two more st above the thumb. Knit around until you come to the top of the thumb. Knit the first and the last picked up stitches together. Knit around until you have the thumb as long as you like, I did 6 rows, then bind off.

Weave in the ends. Use the yarn joined to make the thumb to close any visible holes as you go.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Knitting the Womb

I met the creator of the Knitted Womb at Stitch and Bitch. I had finished the fingerless mits and was wondering, "What next?", when I found out the OB-GYN NP I work with is moving back to the Mainland. It seemed like the perfect gift. So far I have all the parts made and the thing stuffed, but have to find some pipe cleaners to stiffen the Fallopian tubes. I am going to attach some earrings to it. I was thinking of stuffing it with candy, but it does look very cute stuffed. Someone even suggested candy babies! What a hoot that would be.

I realizd after reading the pattern that Kai used bulky yarn! How did I miss that? Oh well, I made another one but have to get more pipe cleaners before I can finish it. It does look much better. It didn't scan so well.

The pattern is available in the archives of along with some other fun and good looking projects.

I may need to knit a couple more, cuz as the saying goes "One can't have too many wombs!"

Totoro Poses with Womb

I read the directions more carefully this time, and the womb came out much better. Totoro agreed to be photographed with Womb2