Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This and That

My rabbit beads came so I made some stitch markers for some bunny. It's dark and gloomy here and not very good for photos. Scanning creates a lot of artifacts with the crystals and miracle beads as you can see, but it was the best of the attempts. I was looking for the white plastic rings I have been using, but could only find these pink and blue ones.

I drove down Ward Avenue today, and one of the parking lots was a lake. The mission to find shoes for my cousin's wedding and school/work shoes for my son was successful! I feel like I'm ready for "Dress for Less" .

Okay, I'll fess up, we also stopped at Border's where I resisted the Spring Vogue, but got the new Pieceworks as it had some knitted wristlets in it.

Brittany came through with my replacement needle. They sent me 4, not just the one that was broken. They certainly stand by their word. I'm a little more concerned about my order from Four Seasons in Canada. I got an email saying my order was received, but no word that my order was shipped, and no response to my email. Since I never ordered from there before, I'm concerned. I'll try to be patient a bit more.

I love the Cascade 220 Superwash to knit with. I had to forsake Rogue again as I could not get gauge, but decided instead to do Bpt, cabled hoodie, from Knitty. It's top down, and I am almost to the bottom where I will have to do, attached i-cord, a new technique. The tutorials I have seen start with casting 3 stitches on a spare dp, but the pattern says to just start with the first 3 stitches. I'll have to just try it when I get there, but it sounds interesting.

Gotta get ready for Project Spectrum yellow and orange next!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Totoros and other things

I finished two more Totoros. My son felt the old style ears I was making as on the blue Totoro were "devil ears" so I made them a bit more like long cat ears. I only had big eyes for the dust bunny so it always falls down eyes first...Youch!

More pink and red flowers. The weird one in the lovely shade of pink is a flowering banana.

The halter is made from the nice cotton silk from JennieB of Aloha Knitters. My finished Jaywalkers in Lorna's Laces superwash sock yarn fit great. The table cloth was edged on the handy dandy serger with Decor 6 in red. I found the yardage while in the process of packing up my craft room to remodel it into a guest room. Boy those aerial shots make my legs look stumpy.

I thank Chris for showing me how to "throw". I am practicing my two color knitting and as the picture shows learning the tension is going to take a lot of practice. I also have to get to the chapter about how to bridge the long color changes.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Reds and pinks for Project Specturm

I was experimenting with a new template and thought I said, keep the old but voila-I'm brown and orange now. I still have to figure out how to arrange the pictures I post other then just lining them up. I also have an ant running around inside my computer screen and don't know what to do.

I was amazed at how many reds and pinks were blooming around my neighborhood. There were more but it started to rain and the wind caused motion problems...another day.

The camoflage Jaywalkers are done and Totoros have ears. Little guy has eyes, but I wish I had a flat back Swarovski in black for Big ones eyes. I am trying hard not to go out for some because I was not a conservative shopper at the Mythos and Best Bead shows yesterday. The spring Interweave knits finally came in too.

The grand bead in the blue bracelet (oh my how did that sneak in?) was made by Alethia Donathan of Dacs Beads. I made few more stitch markers including one for the big needles a couple of earrings, too.

The Lion's flapper hat is made form some pink stuff I had lying around. No matter what I make with this yarn, I don't like it. I'm bagging it up to take back to Savers! The boys grandmother made the carebear years ago. I sprinkled the silk flowers from the silk flower madness chapter of my life around to detract from the silly hat.

Now where is that pink cotton yarn I swapped for from Keohinani?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


I went to the Big Island, Hawaii for a meeting, R&S (rest and shopping) and to visit a friend who moved there 6 months ago.

My son asked me what I learned at the meeting and I drew a blank for a seconds. I did learn that Petadolex (Butterbur) is good for migraines, whereas Feverfew may not work, although I know someone who swears by it.

I managed to miss the torrential downpours on Oahu and the closing of the Kailua bound lanes of the Pali Highway, which is how I get to work.

I have one finished object, DNA scarf , shown here drying, knit from Rowan's Cashoff, a very soft and buttery experience.

I have two UFOs, Jaywalkers in Lorna's Laces camoflague, and Totoros, still earless and and eyeless. The Jaywalkers are fraternal, but I okay with that.

While knitting the Jaywalkers, I noticed the size one Brittany's gradually bent and then one cracked. So of course I was forced to visit a very wonderful yarn shop in Hilo and purchase size one Addi Turbos from Big Island Bernina, Yarn Basket.

I also have two future projects, blue socks and Cascade 200 Superwash for Rogue. The Cascade had just come in and she had only 5 colors. It was a toss up between the rust and the blue so I went with the rust cuz I'm trying to break away from blue.

Hilo had some wonderful food. I missed the Two Ladies Kitchen mochi as they were closed, but had fun eating tamales at the Farm fair, and loved the smells from the Pahala sweatbread bakery. The taro, kalua pig hash was very tasty. The weather cooperated on the drive through Volcano National park. One of the most interesting snacks I bought and hope to get up the courage to eat was chocolate dipped ika (squid!!) at the Big Island Candy Company. It reminded me of the Eel Ice Cream from an Iron Chef episode. I believe the comments were...."interesting".