Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, Sweet Sunday

The swatching for Tangled Yoke did not go well. I'm don't know if I'll ever find the right project for the Rowanspun DK. I love the color and the feel of the yarn, so I don't know why I can't find the right project. I suspect it's a a knitting mojo issue, so as of now, I have nothing big on the needles. I am fighting the urge to knit only Totoros.

O Totoro
Gazing lovingly at the brand new Beaverslide
Sees, more Totoros!

I sucessfully avoided spending the exorbitant amount on the armoire and got a media tower at 1/5 the cost. The sensible son advised me to try it for a week before getting another one. I am quite proud to have assembled it myself, including gluing in the pegs. It is very muggy now so that's my excuse for not finishing it. I think it will work just fine for my fabric stash. As I go through my fabric stash, I'm shocked at the depravity of it all. There is very familiar, but somehow forgotten stuff there, and lots of it.

I added a couple of asian bunny fabric bags to the shop.

It looks like it's going to be a hot one today.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Knit a Carrot

What to do with the orange handspun? There be pumpkins, now there be carrots! What else is orange?

pattern updated 8/27/2010.

Carrot color hand spun, about a worsted weight
Green yarn for carrot top

Needles: DP, set of 4, size 3

CO 3 stitches (use the loop method). Knit one row like an i-cord. (Do not turn your work. Slide the stitches from left to right, bring the yarn behind, and knit across starting with the first CO stitch)

Knit second row like an i-cord and start to divide onto 3 needles. Needle 1: Knit 1, YO. Repeat for needle 2 and 3. (6 stitches) (I like to knit the tail into this row and bring it to the front to mark the beginning of the round)

From here on knit in the round.

knit 2 rows. Knit YO through the back when you come to them.

(K1, YO, K1) around. (3 st. on each needle) Knit 3 rows. (knit the YO through the back) (9 stitches)

(K1, YO, K2) around. (4 stitches on each needle) Knit 4 rows. (knit the YO through the back) (12 stitches

(K2, YO, K2) around. (5 stitches on each needle) Knit 5 rows. (knit the YO through the back). (15 stitches)

(K1, YO, K4) around (6 stitches on each needles) Knit 6 rows. (knit the YO through the back). (18 stitches)

This makes a med carrot.

*Keep knitting for a a larger one: When you have even number of stitches place one YO in the middle. When there is an odd number, place the YO after the first stitch. Knit the same number of rows even as you have on each needle, remembering to knit the YO through the back to close up the hole.

Continuing on for the med. carrot:

Decrease for the top. (starting with 18 stitches)
(SSK, K2, K2tog) around. (12 stitches)
(SSK, K2tog) around. (6 stitches) Cut yarn leaving 10 inch tail.

Thread tail through stitches and leave loose. Stuff carrot firmly or as desired leaving about 1/2-3/4 inch at top.

Make carrot top by winding green yarn around hand 5-6 times. Tie overhand knot in the middle then push into top of carrot. Add a little bit of stuffing and pull up tail tightly. Thread through the top of carrot and the knot to anchor the top, then weave in all ends. The top can easily be made a big or full as you like:) by making bigger loops.

*for larger carrots, add more decreases over 2-3 rows

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Morning Sky, Pumpkin Pincushion

The sky this am was briefly glorious. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. In my mind I was thinking I would go to the beach and look for glass, but the tide chart shows the tide will be high.

I put the pincushion and two Totoros in the shop. I was forced to crochet the curly cues as I can't find my directions to knit one. Blogless Miche will no doubt notice that my pumpkin is not anatomically correct and has non-pumpkinoid leaves, not lobulated as they should be. But it is stuffed with wool which I've read is the thing for needles.

Aah, what to knit next. I've seen many lovely Tangled Yokes out there, and then there is February Lady. I also have one skein of Black Water Abbey in red with a cabled pouch in mind.

Oops, there comes the rain.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pictures Galore, A Day at the Art Academy

Pattern: Guinan, free pattern from YarnAbuse
Yarn: Fleece Artist Marina in shades of read and pink, purchased at Madrona Market last year

Sorry for the fuzzy picture. I'll blame my son for it, heh. This was a very fast fun knit, the perfect pattern for knitting at Family Day at the Art Academy yesterday. It's a very comfy hat.

The Aloha Knitters were out in force. It was a very pleasant day, very laid back and relaxing. And, they fed us lunch! I will definitely knit for food!!! May was there working on her Frankenbunnies. Kai brought some fun thick/thin handspun and finished a great beanie. Opal, Vron and Durable Dora were there spinning away. Patrice and Terry represented the hookers and worked on edging Terry's Barbara Walker afghan. Knittybird stopped by on her way to work.

Malabrigo white Totoro is very soft and cushy. He was the end of the ball and his ears are small. His twin went home with May, after being petted by the children at the Art Academy. Blue Debbie Bliss Donnegal Tweed Totoro will be in the shop soon.

The day started rainy and muggy but it's a beautiful twilight time.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cascade Bulky Totoro in the shop

Blogless Michelle got a bunch of us at Aloha Knitters obsessing on the zig zag lines that show up in intarsia. On this Totoro, his white Malabrigo front is done in intarsia, which I've been experimenting with. I did the color change steps on the purl side, which seems a little better to me. The steps are inherent in intarsia. I don't know how to knit a half stitch like in cross stitching.

Needles: size 6 DP

I have some Beaverslide in the mail. Namea at Aloha Yarn did not have any heathered Cascade 109. I think it only comes as a solid and Tweed.

Perhaps I'll soak or felt the next one. After the intarsia was done, I switched to knitting in the round. Small features were needle felted on.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drop Spindling, Shop Update

I am finally nearing the end of the really big ball of orange roving, spinning on my new Ghstworks cedar spindle. I can't imagine ever spinning enough to knit a garment, let alone clothe my whole family. This pumpkin is a large pincushion, stuffed with more roving and hand felted. It is a big thrill to stab it repeatedly with my needlefelting needle.

Now to work on the really big ball of green roving, and perhaps to make some leaves for my pumpkin.

Thanks for stopping by my shop and all your encouraging comments. I added two more bags, one in pink and another watermelon bag, in a different watermelon print. There was a watermelon phase in my past;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dad's Function over Form socks, FO

More declutter efforts have fluffed up the treasures. I finally went through the yarn and bagged up most of the hideous, creepy and dirty stuff. It is so tuff to just dump the really creepy stuff, that's just how attached I am. So now it sits my front hallway, blocking the feng shui. The plan is to put some of it in the trash tomorrow, and put the rest in my car with some fabric I know I'll never use and drive it around for awhile. I have someone who will take fabric, and I'll see if her mom can use the not so creepy yarn. I'm not going to obsess on what drove me to acquire it in the first place.
This and the rest of the mess will have to wait until tomorrow. Because tomorrow is another day!

Really there are two socks. It's just too dark to photograph the two of them, but really, they look alike:) I ran out of yarn after turning the second heel. The pattern used Knitaly, one skein, so I thought one skein of Lamb's Pride would do. So had to search the island for one skein or worsted sable. I will say it is sock yarn so doesn't count toward stash.

Pattern: Dad's Function Over Form Socks by Jessica Minier Mabe from Knitting
Yarn: Lamb's Pride worsted, color sable. Used a little over one skein.
Needles: size 6 DP

I might have read the pattern incorrectly but after the picking up the gusset stitches I ended up with 48 stitches instead of the the 44 I started with, so I just made them match. I'm not sure if these will actually fit in shoes.

I've cast on for the chullo hat from Andean Folk Knits, but I'm not in love with the colors. Maybe that Vesper in the bumble bee colors is calling me. After all, the sorting hat sorted me to Hufflepuff.

Thanks for the nice comments on the stitch markers!

It was just too muggy and warm to get into the weeding mode. The upper part of the patio is almost done. As I get closer to the wood pile, those angry carpenter bees scream their warning so I'm not enthused about working on the lower half of the patio. The bay laurel is just sitting in the middle of the patio. I don't know where to put it. It really would be happier in the ground where it can turn into a ginormous tree.

This praying mantis is too cute.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stitch Markers in the Shop

A sampling of some items added to the shop today.

It's rainy and muggy here in paradise. Amazingly it did not pour during the walk at Ho'omaluhia. Later, I had a lovely lunch at the Art Academy and did some damage at the Douglas Trade show. I hope the weather holds up for the fishing at Ho'omaluhia tomorrow. I must not forget my mosquito repellent.

Have a great weekends!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mistake Rib Scarf, FO

Pattern: Mistake Rib Scarf from MajorKnitter
Yarn: Berocco Ultra Alpacca, one skein plus the leftovers from Portland Lobster
Needles: Size 9, bamboo circular
Mods: cast on 29 +2 for the selvage.

This turned out to be the perfect project for my bus ride. The ride from Nuuanu to Waikiki normally would take 20 minutes to drive and 15 to park. The bus took 1.5 hours each way. My son rode with me as far as University of Hawaii (one hour) and he explained all the intricacies of riding the bus in the 21st century to me. This is one of the newer buses, with air conditioning. It also talked and explained all the stops along the way. Two feet of this scarf was knit on the bus. The newer bus is lower then the old buses as the wheel covers are actually in the bus now and take up seat space. I'm not sure if that is such a good idea. It was still high enough for me to observe how different the world looked from a different vantage point. The people watching was fun and educational.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shop Update

I added another bento (lunch) bag. Cute bento not included;). This one is ikat fabric with red lining. The pansy small project bag is nice lavender. The blue flower bag has little yellow highlights in the fabric. The carp fabric is mostly black so the lining is also black.

No sewing today. I'm going to actually catch the bus to Waikiki. I haven't caught a bus (other the the wonderful Van Galder bus from Chicago to Madison) in years, so this will be an adventure. It just seems like so much trouble to drive in to Waikiki in rush hour traffic and park. It's a straight shot from my house to Waikiki on the number 4. I figure I have 1.5 hours to observe and test out knitting on the bus, which experienced bus riders here have told me is impossible. All for free CME and lunch at the Marriott.

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Bracelet picture and Knitting mumblings

As requested, here are the two bracelets. The top one is fused and the bottom one is soldered. One of the cool things about metal is that after heating it it will stretch! The bracelets were a little snug, so I stretched the rings until it was just right. Once the metal is hammered or tumbled, it becomes hard and can't be stretched anymore. With practice, the little globs of metal at the join become less of a problem, or they can be filed down. Or so I'm told. I'm quite happy with the jingly jangly bling as is!

I add a couple of bags to the store. One bento bag in ikat fabric and a purple pansy small project bag. Really they are similar except the bento bag is about 1/2 inch bigger around to fit the two bento containers it comes with.

I found another skein of Lambs Pride but in worsted weight, so I've cast on for some socks. I really can't think of my next big project. I have yarn for February lady, but I'm beginning to have some doubts about how it will fit my apple shape. Then of course there's the basketweave vest, but I can't get excited about basketing for a whole garment.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Yarn that Misbehaves, Soldering and Shop Update

I added a couple of bags and another crochet hook storage roll to my shop. Thanks for taking a look! I'm pr-ewashing more fabrics today. It seems my stash is heavy on the purples from my "better not be more blue" phase. Purple apparently was the breakout color. Perhaps some other goodies are hiding! I have rediscovered some vintage Hawaii print fabric and a few batiks. And, there be blues, too. It's like Christmas, I tell you!

This lovely brown Lamb's Pride Bulky is having so much trouble discovering what it wants to me. It was, The Hat That Fit No Human Head, and was painfully started as socks on size 6 needles, but has morphed into one incredibly thick and narrow mitten. E. Zimmerman is a genius! Never mind that I had 44 stitches, and she had 36. She said knit 20 rows for this, 4 rows of that, save 7 stitches for the thumb and a mitten appeared. Problem is of course, that unless more of this yarn is found in the stash, it will be a single mitten. I must figure out how to eliminate the dog ears on the ends of my Kitchener-ing.

After having so much fun fusing silver wire, I took the next class, Soldered Chain Bracelet. Soldering silver has the advantage of being able to use sterling silver, which as some copper added for strength, and is a bit cheaper then fine silver. The drawback is that there is the additional step of pickling which requires "strong" and vile chemicals which is scary, and soldering wire and flux are also needed. It is a bit more messy. The high heat oxidizes the impurities in the silver and they turn black. The pickle removes this black. The final bracelet was tossed into the magic tumbler and a magically sparkled up the hole project. It look very much like the fused chain bracelet, except for this one we used a commercial clasp. The teacher Katharine Rita at Bead It Kailua, was excellent.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Drama in the Garden

There's another small project bag with dragonfly fabric and a crochet hook storage roll for the store. This one has a crystal dragonfly dangle. The dragonfly fabric was supposed to be part of one of those bug jar quilts. Gee I wonder how long ago that was? And where is all that other bug fabric I got a the same time?

The crochet hook storage roll has 24 pockets and is designed to hold both the shorter metal hooks and the larger aluminum ones. It's also in the store.

This little Totoro is 2 3/4 inch tall. I knit him flat so I could do his bib intarsia. His tail is a little long for my tastes so I will try felting him a bit more to see if I get some better shaping.

There is a lot of drama in this gardening thing. My patio is brick and quite old. I liked it a lot when there was just the lovely green moss and some graceful little green plants in the cracks. But then the moss held water and made dirt. This caused black slime mold to flourish. When it rains gelatinous black stuff blossom. Icky. The patio is fenced off so the birds like to come and sit in the patio and bring all kinds of seeds with them. The grass started to grow in the cracks and then started covering the bricks. At first I was not alarmed, but then I realized that the whole ecosystem in my patio was trying to return the brick to dirt and the grass was now growing into the brick! OMG. Now while the most interesting National Geographic article on the Kansas plains describes the roots of the virgin prairie grass growing down 10 ft, and that apparently being a good thing, I believe I have to intervene in the process to try and save my patio.

This guy is not eating the right kind of grass in the right place and will have to go. He's no escargot, though.

I hope that toad I found under a neglected upside down flower pot is okay. I don't know how he got under there but I think he was there for quite awhile and he was too big to get out the little hole. What did he eat? I liberated him, and can only hope he thrives in the big world.

Perhaps if can get strong enough to exceed my 5 weeds/day quota, my yard and plants will look beautiful like my neighbors (parents). I'm trying out those titanium dots on those sore spots in the squatting muscles until then.

On the knitting front, I started some socks with Lamb's Pride worsted rescued from one of "the hats that fit no human head" but I'm now sure it bulky yarn. Sigh. Frog or try to morph them into mittens?

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Random Stuff in no particular order

Fused Chain Bracelet was a really fun class taught by Kathy at Bead It. I learned about the difference between filter and non-filtered butane and bought a new tool called a Tap and Wrap. She put my finished bracelet in a rock tumbler for 15 minutes with some magic stuff (buck shot?) and it came out so shiny and wonderful:)

Pattern: Spring Forward, free from Knitty.
Yarn: Koigu
Needles: Knitpicks DPs, size 1
No mods. This was a very fast and easy pattern to memorize.
Just in time for SOS!

Lots of rain here lately. As the saying goes, no rain, no rainbows!

Thanks for visiting my Etsy store. New are two Watermelon Bags. One a small project bag and another is slightly larger, designed as a Bento Bag with the containers and a removable plastic bottom. I'm not sure I'll list any more stitch markers yet, although I can't stop making them:) There are Christmas angels and Vintage glass and crystal ones, in watermelon colors.

Aim, posted this link she got from Junie Moon's blog, The Story of Stuff.
My decluttering efforts seem futile at times. As I clean, the stuff seems to multiply. I throw away/recycle as much as I can, but more stuff comes out of hiding!