Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Totoro shawl pin

Totoro shawl pin
Originally uploaded by acornbud
This is my first attempt at a Totoro shawl pin. The acorn charm is silver clay, made by hint, on Etsy.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saroyan, FO

Pattern: Saroyan by Liz Abinante It's available on Ravelry for free!
Yarn: Ultra Alpaca, Denim Mix
Needles: Size 9 straights

The pattern can be adjusted easily in length and width. I made 6 repeats on the increase decrease parts and 16 on the straight parts. The scarf measured while blocking was 82 inches long and 9.5 inches wide. Going down a needle size might have worked a little better. This scarf wraps around numerous times like a furry, warm pet and is cushy and soft. The pattern is well written and the lace easy to do.

On the life scene, I decided to go back into retirement and resigned from my job. It was nice while it lasted. I was working more then I ever planned to in retirement. When some scheduling changes came up, it seemed like the right time.

Now I have nothing on the needles again. Shall I join the Madelinetosh creature comforts cardi KAL with Opal? I'm not sure I want a whole cardigan in the Baltic Madelinetosh worsted which is what I have in stash. I'm on a yarn diet, yes I am. Shall I jump the gun and start Citron? Or maybe socks, Crosswalkers in STR.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Adventures with the Finnish Sock

In trying to rekindle my sock mojo I stalked Ravelry and looked through the my books and magazines. I really fell in love with Petäjä-sukat by Eeva Saviranta (Zeska on Ravelry). Alas, the Google translator does not speak Finnish knitspeak. I found two sites that had kniting terms, but it continued to stump me, especially the arch on the pattern chart. The other problem was that the stash is very low on solid colored sock yarn. The pattern is a six stitch pattern so I decided to use 6 stitch pattern from Sensational Knitted Socks, casting on 66 stitches.

The first try was a bust: Zitron Trekking Pro Natura. For the 2 stitch arch in the pattern arch, used knit second stitch on left needle without slipping off. Knit the first stitch and slip both off. On size one and two needles this was very fussy and the yarn was very splitty. I'm not sure what this yarn will be.

I changed the arch to K2 but do not slip off. Knit first stitch and slip both off. It was less fiddly and looked similar.

For the 3rd try I dug out some mystery yarn solid and went with the size 1 needles. Changing the arch again to knit second stitch through back loop, don't slip off the knit first stitch and slip both off. This did the trick and voila! A FO!

Zeska has since told me the translation for the arch in the pattern is “Slip 1, Knit 1, Yarn Over, pull the slipped stitch over both”. I suspect the original would be looser.

With my yarn being on the thickish side, it turned out just fine being tighter. My heel is short so next time I will do 16 gusset stitches instead off 17.

It was a beautful day for a walk with loaner dog Malu. Blogless Jan shared a some fresh eggs laid by her Easter Egg chickens. The eggs are a lovely pale green. She also cut these awesome flowers out of her yard!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stash the Bunny

Stash the Bunny
Originally uploaded by acornbud
Pattern: Sophie by Ysolda Teague
Yarn: Sandnes Garn Smart and some other mystery yarn
Needles: size 3
Mods: I ran out of yarn two rows from finishing his arm, so finished with another stash mystery yarn. The ears are a different color. I ran out of that yarn so shortened the ears by 9 rows. I also picked up and knit the ears as a single layer in garter stitch. I think the whiter yarn is a thicker gauge. My decreases on the face side looked different then the pattern, and that side was flatter so I put his head on backward. I love that this pattern has no seams:) I made a pompom tail and I'm gradually cutting it down to the right size.

Friday, March 12, 2010

March Ramblings

I read an article in the paper the other week about how blogging and MySpace are a thing of the past. The "young" have fled to Twitter,etc. As today I am just 1 year shy of turning the decade, I guess I no longer qualify as "young" so I'm exempt. I am exempt from being able to text while running in 4 inch heels as well, thank Bob.

I had a nice chat with the Verizonwireless dude. I felt like I was trying to buy a car even though I only went in there to buy a battery for the somewhat puffy battery living in the Landcaster's phone. I think my mistake was that I asked him to explain my 3G plan. I needed access when I travel only, for my netbook, so I got some pay as you go plan. He seemed shocked at how little the Landcaster and I use our phone or text. That didn't prevent him from launching upgrades, more minutes etc. In the end I think I wore him down, trying to divert his attention by bringing up the Big Red Fruit's attack on the HTCRoboPhone, etc. He agreed that there was no use in upgrading my archaic mere 500 minute plan to a 700 minute/3G plan. I was tempted by the myfi thingy with which I could cast my own wifi bubble around me and selected friends. So in the end he sold me a usb modem for my netbook, and which has a rebate, and a two year contract for an actually cheaper 3G plan, minus activation. When my beloved PalmTX dies, I will contemplate a Droid. By then perhaps the drama and bugs will be worked out.

It's tax time. I really don't understand all the tax implications of my tiny business with the Etsy store. The tax lady asked if I take inventory...OMG! Maybe I should have paid the $150 or the audit insurance!!

Working 3 days a week and I hope the regular position is hired soon so I can go back to the "6 weeks/year" I signed up for. Working sucks the creative energy out of me. My cold lingered and then I got pink eye which in the end turned out to be Episcleritis="nonspecific, idiopathic". Leave it to me to get something I had never had a patient with. Guess it's an eye doctor kind of disease.

So that's my excuse for not making much besides stitch markers for the store. In fact I'm too lazy to photograph them so I just sell them to friends who ask. I still have energy to acquire "supplies".

Knitting Beaverslide and CPH Hoodie vest was a hard act to follow. I CO with Zitron bamboo/wool socks yarn for a Finnish sock pattern on size 1 needles. The splittiness and pattern/yarn mismatch is driving me crazy. I frogged the whole darn thing and started over on size 2 needles but I'm still not too happy. I still adore the pattern and will either finish this sock or find better yarn in my stash somewhere!

Work is my excuse also for being too darn lazy to get the ball winder and swift out and roll some yarn. The Knitted Brow has moved all the way East to Atlanta and is not here to wind it up for me! Come back, Kim!

So what does a girl do? Lust of after yarn...I had the Malabrigo and the Koigu in the shopping basket, until I remembered I'm on a yarn diet. Oh boo. So I broke out the Ultra Alpaca and started Saroyan. The yarn is so silky and sproingy and fun to be with. The pattern really caught my eye and the Ultra Alpaca examples on Ravelry sold me. So there is hope there.

I knit the dog I'm supposed to have in my corner. He is a bit corny and has found a friend to hang with. I named him Buttons after the only real dog I ever owned.

I would like to knit a bunny for Easter, but after all that seaming for Buttons, I am searching for a seamless bunny.

Other FOs:
Stash Busting Scarf

Pattern: The Purl Scarf by Joelle Hoverson, from Last Minute Knitted Gifts.
Yarns: the really old Crystal Palace Country silk and the fluffy Crystal Palace Kid merino gifted to me by Angela.

Paper and Shibori Projects with Melody