Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Project Spectrum Bags

Project Spectrum Bags by acornbud
Project Spectrum Bags, a photo by acornbud on Flickr.

I had to frog my August Project Spectrum Dancing Liesl as it was too small :(
I caught up with the project bags for July and August.

It's been quite hot and the knitting mojo is gone. August is almost gone! I have the pattern and yarn for Hanami and just need the beads.

Here's Jimmy. This is the hyperbaric chamber at Kuakini Hospital. This chamber is mostly used for wound healing and other applications of hyperbaric treatment. A smaller chamber is used more for treating the bends. I had a nice tour by blogless Dr. TD.

I have one of the most beautiful drives to and from work. My tiny camera can never do it justice. I just feel so lucky to live Hawaii:)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Baby Hat Apocalypse

Things have been rather hum drum around here so I thought I would spice up the blog with the word "apocalypse". The Landcaster was watching a TV show called Bedbug Apocalypse and I was thinking how much I liked the sound of that word. I was very itchy after watching that show, btw. Whenever I hear that word I think of the movie Apocalypse Now or the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

If one can believe Wikipedia... "An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The Apocalypse of John (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου) is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. By extension, apocalypse can refer to any End Time scenario, or to the end of the world in general. It is a major misconception that Apocalypse means the end of the world; it is much closer to "the end of the world as we know it."

So really apocalypse has nothing to do with my hats unless of course it's that I CAN crochet if I want to and I love that Plymouth Jeanee Yarn! It's fat and machine washable!

On a bright note, the Sky Goddess dropped in and spiced up the week. Her step daughter is having twins girls and that is what started me on the hat roll. Nanea at Aloha Yarns was crocheting hats when I dropped by and the rest is history. The patterns were all free off Ravelry! The owl hat is a little scary, but I really enjoyed crocheting the flowers.

Project Spectrum pink/purple August is rolling by me. I've wound the Malabrigo Rios and plan a Liesl.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Andrea the Worsted

Pattern: Andrea's Shawl, by Kirsten Kapur
Yarn: Madelinetosh Worsted, color Baltic. Powarth Blues, handspun by me, from handyed Polwarth roving by Woolgatherings.
Needles: size 8
Size: small
Mods: one stitch picot bindoff instead of two.

Comments: A rather quick knit. I love the way the striping turns out. My hand spun was a bit unbalanced and had some fluffs in it. The Polwarth is next to skin soft. The Madelinetosh is wonderful and I love the supersaturated colors. The first shawl I knit from this pattern was a little small for me. This one, knit in worsted, is a better fit.

The Polwarth was a gift from Kim who is currently whoopin' my a$$ in Words with Friends. Thanks Kim!

I'm one of those reactionary people who got mad at Netflix when they raised their rates and will cancel. It was a good excuse for me to upgrade my cable to digital and get HBO so I can watch Game of Thrones. I'm reading book 4 of the series and really loving it. Hey, the Knitted Brow turned me on to this series. Thanks again!

I am working two days a week, with a few extra days thrown in this month. It can't hurt to have some income with the scary economy right now and pay for my digital cable with HBO and Showtime pak.