Monday, August 26, 2013

First Weaving

Cricket Loom, Table Runner
Mostly hand spun with Lionbrand woolease for warp. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Another Bangle

Pattern:  Bangle Video from The Bead Gallery
Sterling silver bangle, acornbud tag, and fresh water pearl acorn made by me.  Silver plated Totoro charm from Solistar on Etsy.  Silver umbrella charm from CrazyCoolStuff on Etsy

 The search goes on for sterling silver Totoro charms. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

A quick little project

I can't remember if I saw this idea surfing the Web, or if I just adapted the idea of using a turkey lacer from the Mary's Stiletto's Tutorial.  I also tried a little piece of wire I had left over from a project.  I still have not figured out the perfect glue to hold the beads up.  I generally avoid glue as it just doesn't seem very permanent.
I tried Cheerwine while visitng theknittedbrow.  It is a very sweet, cherry flavored soda and I liked it quite a bit.  It is not found in Hawaii, and the company is not able to ship any to me:(.  However I did find the bottle cap bead for it a one the local bead shows.
These were fun and fast to make!  Of course never mind that my spinning wheel has a delta flyer and no hook is needed, lol.  In the rare instance that I may put on my fine flyer, I am ready with not just one, but two hooks!
The alarm system is upgraded and now wireless.  I'm sure the thrill of all the text and email messages it will be sending me will wear off quickly.
I started my acupuncture and the plan is for 4 total sessions in the next 3 weeks.  And to jump start the process I have to take 8 odd looking "pills" twice a day.  They are herbal "Chinese" medicine.  The way I look at it, I have nothing to loose.
I cast on for some socks.  Darn it, if there is something on the needles, I may just knit!  The 19-inch TV is funny to watch.  Subtitles have gotten hard to read. So far I'm holding off on the replace big screen. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


The TV died so I cancelled my premium channels.  I still had some Dexter episodes to go, but since Oceanic cancelled Showtime, no Dexter and even worse, no Homeland, which starts September 29.  Also, no True Blood or Ray Donavan.  Oh well, I shall survive!

There is still no knitting mojo, but I've managed a couple silver bangles and spun the rest of my Shetland into puffs. I made the puffs closer together and they are a little more consistent.  I love the way the hand dyed yarn made such cool, shaded puffs!  Maybe next year I can try a real beehive, although they sound fiddly.

My house was burglarized.  Thank goodness no one was home and our alarm system worked. Still replacing the damage is a pain, not to mention an expense.  I had thought about upgrading my alarm system so now I have incentive. There really is no way to prevent someone from breaking in if they really want to, but any deterrent gives me a little peace of mind.  It's really a sad commentary about how things have changed around here.  There are so many more people making their living by sponging off of others, or supporting their drug habit. 

There are many reasons to get a watch dog.  I took the "Am I ready for a dog?"quiz.  At the end, it suggested I get a goldfish.  At least it didn't suggest a plant.  I fell down on the whole commitment issue.  Will you be around, will you walk me, will you mind me drooling or getting hair all over your knitting.  Can you stand having some possessions destroyed.  And the Landcaster doesn't want a dog. 

I'm starting some acupuncture next week get the old yin-yang balanced. Too much yin or not enough yang.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Gem Bangle

Pattern:  Gem Bangles, Video Pattern by The Bead Gallery.
I like the way the charms can be changed up to suit one's mood.  It makes a great "holder" for stitch markers, too.   I love pounding silver.  There is something cathartic about it:)

It's a very warm summer so far.  There was one un-hurricane, Flossie.  Luckily she fizzled out before the islands.  There was some wind and rain, but a nice amount of rain. 

Happy crafting!

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Missing, One Sock Knitting Mojo

Has anyone seen my sock knitting mojo?  It was last seen knitting Verdant Socks.  Since then I have amassed some sock yarn so I hope it returns soon.