Wednesday, March 23, 2016

FO. Code: Armonika Cowl and Top Down Reversible Beanie

Pattern:  Code: Armonika Cowl, by Rutast Design 
Yarn:  Kathmandu Aran Tweed,by Queensland Collection, Aran / 10 ply, 85% Merino, 10% Silk, 5% Cashmere .  I used 4 balls colorway Sienna.
Needles:  Size 8
This came out about 48 inches long before the 3 needle bind-off.  I can wrap it around twice.  It is quite wide but scrunches up nicely.  I have not blocked it yet.    I love this yarn which is good since I have a lot of it!

I made the hat to match, and wrote it up.  If anyone would like to try it, be aware it has not been tested.  I call it Top Down Reversible Beanie.  I hope this link works.  It looks similar to some hats I've seen, but not exactly.  Unless noted, for each row, repeat the pattern stitches for the whole row. (google drive document updated 3/24/2016) 3/28/2016 updated line 16 to read: 

K f&b, P6.  PDF is updated

3/30/2016  A green hat, same yarn.  Modification, 4 inches of ribbing.  


After trying this on, I made that appointment with AC man.  It's supposed to be another killer summer.  Hopefully my sister up in the frigid north can use it next winter to go with her thrummed mittens

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Retail Possibilities

Gift cards for THE birthday. Yes, I'm a card-carrying member of the senior club.

The family has given me gift cards and I can't decide how to spend them.

1.  Bigger wool cards.  I have the smaller ones, so perhaps bigger ones will make life go faster.  Or am I just going to get my fiber already prepped and dyed like I told myself before.  Wool cards can be used for blending as well.  I have excellent cotton combs already.  And if I get cards, curved or not?
2.  Blending board.  This was not on my radar before.  It looks like a good alternative to the spendy drum carder for smaller projects.  Most of my projects are pretty small.  But will I actually make art batts.  That would necessitate increasing the variety of my fiber stash.
3.  Drum carder.  Spend-y.  Will I actually card $600+ worth of wool in the future?
4.  Wool Combs.  These look like weapons of mass destruction.  Based on my current level of klutz-i-ness, I could do myself or a loved one bodily harm.  However, watching the videos I can definitely think of times combs would have come in handy.  But, will I every process raw wool since I was leaning toward buying only processed/dyed fiber?  I used pet brushes to flick my locks before, but that really doesn't separate out the shorter fibers and neps/noils very well.

Speaking of cards, I took The day to seek out my bus card and my senior club card from Zippy's.  I found out I just have to flash my medicare card to ride TheBus one way for a dollar.  No need to buy a senior ID card.  I feel like the Zippy's card should be free and not $20/year.  But after doing the math I suspect it will be worth it.  My son dearly loves their chili.

I'm leaning toward the wool combs.  I'm trying not to make a snap decision.

I finished spinning my Irish Cheviot and knit a Totoro.  I can't decide on his face.  This is my first attempt.  Alas, the black for his nose and mouth do not show up well on the dark blue.  The Cheviot was a bit rough but had a wonderful sheep-y smell.  It was very easy to spin and would make a wonderful beginning fiber for a neophyte. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  The "real shamrock" plant from the blogless Karen O are all four leafs.  I will have to ask her what it is. ('ihi'ihi lauakea)

Update:  The blending board is on order!

I changed Totoro's eyes and nose.  No mouth so far.

I used my Sizzix to cut out eyes and glued (gasp) the pupils on.  I also embroidered some whiskers on.

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Organizing Tote

I loved the tutorial posted for this bag at

One can never have to many project bags and this one has pockets for knitting needles and the pattern.  I decided to make this from fabric stash.  My modification was to add a second end pocket with slots.  I made the denim one first and used a piece of lightweight denim from who knows where that was just lounging on the sewing table.  The contrast was from my aunt  who is destashing her "good" stuff.  The straps and binding I made long ago so I tried to use it up.

You know that feeling you get that you are forgetting something.  Well when I got to the lining, haha, I had stitched the bag together without it's interfacing and though the little voice in my head kept saying you can't put it on the lining, I didn't let that stop me.  So the bag is usable, but the lining does not fit too well.

For the second attempt, I used some naturally dyed cotton from a class I took.  I also had some indigo shibori scraps.  This time I tried fleece.  It made the bag too floppy.  The lining was a cool piece of fabric of unknown fiber content.  It was ravelly and unforgiving.  So number 2 has baggy lining and is a bit floppy, but oh well, still usable.

I don't know if I'll make another, although I think a longer one would make a splendid spindle bag.

I'm already dreading the end of Downton Abbey even though I suspect it will have a happy ending.

My senior fit class is going well.  No personal injuries.  The next step in this race to Medicare age is to sign up for my senior bus pass, although most family and friends can't see me riding the bus.  I'm waiting for the Silver and Fit info so I can join the YMCA.

I'm finishing up the Winter Mystery KAL by Susanna IC of Annis fame.  It will be the last in my shawl series, I think.  Then it's on to cork people/shrooms, since I've acquired a stash of champagne corks.  Also spinning up my Ireland Cheviot.  Plan a 3-pl worsted with some Totoro in mind.