Sunday, October 30, 2005

Tagged Again

candsmon tagged me again!
1, What is your all time favorite yarn to knit with.
This is a tough one. I truly loved knitting Clapotis with Noro's Silk Garden. Lush is like butter. Way back when, I was enraptured with Lopi, though I never made anything with it. Another one that I loved was Henecke's Heaven Sent. It was so soft and buttery. My niece has made good use of the scarf I made with it, and it must taste good because Buddy, her cat, ate part of it.
2, Your favorite needles
I'm not too picky, but the after years of knitting with aluminun, the bamboo had a good feel to it.
3, The worst thing you've ever knit
Hmmm. It must have been the pink socks for my dad. Surprise surprise. He didn't wear them.
4, Your most favorit knit pattern.
I love cables. I knit this sweater for my sister and niece quite a while ago. I don't know if they ever wore their sweaters, but I had fun making it.

5. Most valuable knitting technique
Kitchener stitch.
6. Best knit book or magazine
I love Interweave Knits and books with celtic knits and guernseys. I don't know why someone in Hawaii would want to knit sweaters that are for North Sea fishermen, but the cables fasinate me. Classic British Knits is a book I can look at over and over.
7. Your favorit knit-a-long
Without a doubt, Socktober! Thank again, Lolly for setting it up and Chris for getting me inspired.
8. Your favorit knitblogs (in no particular order)
Aloha and Oreos
LollyKnitting Around
9. Your favorite knitwear or designer
see number 6.
10. The knit item you wear the most
I wear my scarves when I go to the Mainland in winter. Here in Hawaii, I take Clapotis to the movies to snuggle up in.

Puanani you are tagged!


  1. Thanks for playing along (again!)!! Man, you are a nice sister and aunty, knitting them great sweaters like that. I'm thinking cell phone cozies for this year. ;-) I bet Clapotis is just perfect to take the chill off at the theater! So beautiful, too.

  2. Pink socks for your dad? What ever gave you that idea? Were they pastel pink or hot pink? What a funny picture that makes in my head!

  3. thanks for the comment on the inside out socks! i can't believe you made that cabled sweater!!! not once, but twice even! wow! i'd wear that all the time, just cuz i'd appreciate how much work went into it.
