Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Laa, Laa-laa's cousin from Hawaii is showing off my current project, knitting two socks at once on the 40" Addi turbos. Laa is a past project of mine, shamelessly put up here for lack of new finished projects to show. I knit Laa from (gasp) Red Heart and was short finishing up the curly-Q on top of her head.

This current project, every so small yet, is one of many firsts for me. After realizing that I only ordered one skein of the camoflague Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock yarn from Knit Happens even though it clearly states I need two, I decided to go with the Fortissimi colori socka.
While ordering another skein of that Lorna's Laces, some how, I also ordered black Cascade 220 and color 305 Koigu KPPPM. Funny how that happens!

The Addi turbos, size one, are really great, but oh so tiny and it took me forever to have any stripes.

The pattern I am using is, Knitting Basic Toe-Up Socks Using the "Magic Loop" Circular Method, Two Socks on One Cirular, with support from Purlwise for the figure 8 cast on.

Now while this is not a great feat like keohinani's sock within a sock, it's plenty challenging for myopic me!

The sock pattern is all stockinette since the self striping yarn is the real star, but after only 3 stripes I'm flirting with other patterns.

I eliminated the step about tightening up the cast on stitches and. I kind of like the ridge, but having never done this before I wonder if it will matter. Also, I started with a slip knot in an effort to start the yarn at the same place, but I think it can be undone if I need to attempt to tighten up the cast on row later.

My other thoughts on the one long circular needle technique is whether or not the needle/cable join will take a beating and break soon.
I have new respect for veteran sock knitter's like candsmon and january one who whip through that sock yarn and tiny needles with such speed!

No cooking for me today as I am taking the family out to celebrate my mom's birthday. So... time to blog and comtemplate all that I have to be thankful for...great country, great food, great friends, great family, great yarns, and great music, just to name a few (in no particular order)


  1. First of all, that Laa is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen! Stinky adores the Teletubbies (although I'd like to know what the creators were smoking when they came up with the concept), so you gave me the perfect idea for a gift for her. I don't think I can pull it off for X-mas, but maybe in time for her birthday. Your Lorna's Laces is beautiful!! So envious. Maybe you'd have enough to make anklets, you think? I'm so impressed with the 2 socks at once on one circ. My resolution for next year is to be braver about learning new techniques. Your socks look fantastic so far! You're sweet, but I'd hardly consider myself a veteran sock knitter- I almost spit my coffee out at that one! Anyway, I only stick to my same ol', same ol', not venturing into new sock techniques. Hope you had a wonderful time with your family yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Aaaah! I can't believe there are Teletubby patterns! Although my daughter has outgrown her Teletubby obsession. Laa is too cute!

    And I know what you mean about ordering one hank of yarn and ending up with several others coming along for the ride. I mean, you wouldn't want that one poor little hank to be stuck in the box, all by itself, right?
