Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Multidirectional Scarf, FO

The Multidirectional Scarf using two skeins of Noro Silk Garden is complete. It was a fun quick knit. The picture is a little fuzzy, but I can see I can block it a little more.

Wish the Lush sleeves were going faster. I think it would be better if sleeves were knit from the top down, then they would go faster instead of slower.

And look what the postman brought. I had these on my wish list and apparently one dark night I ordered them in my sleep. That's the only explanation I can think of for them to show up at my front door.

On my short list of things to do (other then get up and go to work) I will put eyes and claws on the blue Totoro, and I will finish Lush Cardigan before my sister comes next month! And I hope to make some jewelry for gifts. I am also trying acupunture to balance my yin and yang. While I am not sure I entirely believe in these principles, it helped me before so I'm trying it again. Apparently I have too much yang, which is common in menopause.

And, if there is any time left, maybe I'll send a few Christmas cards for a change. I used to start at the beginning of the address book one year and the end of the book the following year so at least some people got cards every other year. Then when the kids where little, I made Holiday cards with their pictures, because of course they were the cutest kids ever! Now it's a real challenge to get them to pose for a picture and not act goofy, so it's actually been a couple years since I even tried to send cards. I admire people like my mom, who have a system and never fail to send cards. I guess email Christmas cards aren't universally accepted yet.


  1. beautiful scarf! that vintage socks book is on my list of books to get...i heard such great things about the patterns in there! and scarf style is just awesome, even though we really have no use for that here...

  2. Your scarf is GORGEOUS!!! SOOOO beautiful. That Noro Silk Garden is really something else. Unbelievably beautiful, B! Are you sleep-ordering again??!! You'd better try hypnosis or something. ;-) Oh, I'm so jealous!! I've been coveting and coveting those 2 books! Especially Backyard Leaves. Can't wait to see all the fabulous stuff you knit from those books.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Oh my goodness! Your scarf is soo beautiful!! I love the colors!

  4. Oooh, so pretty! And new books, too - what a great day for you!

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The scarf is beautiful, Noro works so well with the multidirectional technique.
    Those books are on my wish list as well :)
