Sunday, December 18, 2005

Lush Cardiagan, Final Chapter

My sister the intended recipient of Lush Cardigan came, and just as I feared, the sleeves were too narrow. She refers to her arms as baby alligator wrestling arms that are the result of wedging clay and lifting those 75 lbs kiln shelves. She has semi-retired from pottery but the arms remain. It fit her beautiful daughter who swears she can wear it while studying in the cold depths of the law library. She is just about 10 inches taller then my sister and I and quite svelte, so it is almost like a shrug. She declined to have a button, so even better :)

Being sucked in at work sucks rocks and is seriously interfering with my knitting of purple broadripple socks. I had to let down stitches to correct an error and the larger holes left behind are glaring at me. I am trying to convinvce myself that the springy and lovely Koigu KPPPM will even out the pukas (holes in Hawaiian) after washing and blocking. This is a fairly simple lace pattern and I know the stress at work is distracting me. That's my story and I'm sticking it to it.

Cookie Day turned into a 7 hours marathon of sugar, chocolate chips, gingerbread smells and coffee. I'd show pictures but I ate it all, err, I mean I gave it all away.

I really loved the gingerbread recommended by tsogb.


  1. Bummer for your sister, but yay for your niece! It looks fantastic on her.


  2. great cardigan! your niece totally scored. :)

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    You did a beautiful job on the sweater Barb! So nice that it fits your niece.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Gorgeous sweater! And your lucky niece it looks like it was made for her!

  5. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Way to go on that gorgeous sweater! Oh the perils of having 'big' arms. I have 'big' calves and I know what it's like when nothing fits because of it, boots for example. Your niece made out well.

  6. Hi, B! :-) SOO sorry for the late comment; it's been a crazy, crazy day. Your niece is so gorgeous!! And Lush looks equally beautiful on her. Your sister is so sweet to let her daughter have Lush. If I saw something that beautiful, I'd be like the evil stepsisters in Cinderella, trying to jam their feet into the glass slipper to make it fit. ;-) It really does fit your niece perfectly. Looking forward to seeing your broadripple socks- I'm sure they look awesome (your stuff always does!), in spite of what you claim. ;-) Congrats on making it through the Cookie Marathon...mine's tomorrow, ack!! Take care! :-)

  7. That cardigan is BEEOOTEEFUL!!! Ok, enquiring minds wanna know...what pattern is that? I have a TON of lush I bought off of ebay a couple years ago and haven't found anything I'd like to make with it. I have now!!!
