Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Stashbuster Scarf and Hat

Mr. Carebear agreed to model the stashbuster scarf and hat even though brown is not his color, but I had to loan him my iPOD shuffle. I got this iPOD for Christmas and it is the cutest darn thing. It holds about 3 CDs worth of music and plugs into the USB port of my computer. Since my son rebuilt my computer as his Christmas gift to me, I now have one right there in the front!

I was obsessing on what I could do with the tan Inca Tops, and then I remembered I have two other brown yarns that have reached antique status, and I thought, well if two wrongs don't make a right, maybe 3 do. I had some Berocco Glace and Dante from way way back, and also threw in a little Reynolds Slique. I thought I had enough tail to cast on the 151 stitches I had in mind, but ended up with only about 115. I think the scarf is a little short. Glace is a rayon ribon, Dante and Slique cotton and viscose. According to the Dress King, viscose is : "The most common type of rayon. It is produced in much greater quantity than cuprammonium rayon, the other commercial type." I figured the alpaca silk would make the hat and scarf warmer. I used size 15 needles for the scarf and 13 for the hat.

Looking at and trying on the finished product I can see what the real problem with the yarn is. It's just not my color. I was probably going through some identity crisis way back when I bought it and thought, okay no black and no blue....and chose brown, since I wasn't ready for green, orange or purple. I still have more yarn left, too. It is hovering every so much closer to the Goodwill bag.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Mr. Carebear looks rather happy and warm. I have the same brown problem, it's not my color either.

  2. Ooh, an iPod shuffle! It's so cute! J gave me a nano for my birthday, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it was really meant for him, since he listens to it 10X more than I ever get to! You can always tell when guys look WAAAY too excited to give you a gift. ;-) NOOO!!! Don't put the alpaca-silk into the Goodwill bag!! It's too, too beautiful!! (Not that Goodwill doesn't deserve beautiful things, but you know what I mean.) I actually really like your hat and scarf (and your theory about 3 wrongs making a right. ;-)). The scarf makes such a cute neck warmer and the color is wonderful! Maybe you just need to let it grow on you a little more?? Because in my mind, I can see you wearing brown well. ;-) Take care and Happy New Year to you! :-)

  3. I like brown, but I understand. Most of my "what do I do with this/what was I thinking" yarn that is still homeless is there becase of color issues. I went through a purple phase with yarn, but I'm not a big fan of the color.

  4. Carebear be stylin'! So cute!

    I like the iPod small! I have the big 20G iPod and a nano, cuz I run and the 20G one was too big to stuff in my jog bra (made for some interesting looks from bystanders)! haha

    PS I received the pattern, Barb, MAHALO!

  5. nothing wrong with brown--reminds me of chocolate! mmm...chocolate... ;)
    i think the hat and scarf look lovely.
    tricky thing with those ipods--they always come out with newer versions. can't really keep up anymore. in fact, i bought the 20GB ipod last year, and already they've come out with slimmer 30GB and 60GB color/video ipods. sucky! makes me feel like i should've waited...but that's okay. if you put too much stuff on the ipod, you would spend so much time programming it that you won't have time for other things. no guarantees that you'll use all the features, too. kinda like, why have a still camera feature on a video camera when you already have a digital camera? why have a digital camera if you already have a camera phone? why have itunes on your phone if you already have an ipod? why have an ipod when you already have an mp3 player? technology...sometimes having the convenience of multiple things in one defeats doesn't take care of the problem.
    and of course, this in no way, shape, or form applicable to yarn ;P
    wow, i went off on a tangent...
