Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Life after Broadripple

I finished Broadripple socks. I'm not sure what made the little pump bump on the back of each ankle. They feel wonderful and as they are a little long for me they should fit my friend fine. It's amazing to my how much color variation there is in the two pictures. The color matches the photo on the left. I used Koigu KPPPM and size 3 needles.

I got the Totoro tissue cover for Christmas. My wonderful friend Kathy enables my addiction by ordering these things from ebay. I treated myself to the solar Kitty head bobbler. Pink supposedly is for love. Might come in hand one of these days. The great big pile of alpine green Beaverslide yarn was going to be for my Rogue, but I can't get gauge. The Knitting Doctor made a wonderful Rogue with the same yarn, but I've given up on it. I misplaced the Ann Norling pattern recommended by Brenda, but after cleaning my room, heh, found it and the gauge is not right for that pattern, either (can you tell I don't want to think too hard?) I think I'll try it out for the Muted Muscian Gansey from Knitting Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel. It looks like the gauge I want and there are no cables. This yarn had almost a felted feel to it and would be difficult to twist.

Well, one day of Kona weather and today it was drizzley and cold. I'm putting on some handknit socks :)


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sometimes knitting without having to think too muchs is quite warranted,nothing wrong with that at all!

  2. I like the Koigu you used for the Broadripple very much. The variegation doesn't detract from the pattern, but they look interesting. The Beaverslide yarn is going to make a pretty sweater. I don't know much about that book - have you knit from it before and do you recommend it?
