Monday, April 24, 2006

Can't think of a catchy title, must be Monday.

The orange variety of this orchid thrives in my patio. The red does fairly well, and the purple not at all. It plants it self all over the place and really doesn't need any soil, just something to anchor it. I can count on this to have a few flowers almost everyday of the year.

For lack of FOs to show, here is my handkerchief doll home from the office posing with the pineapple blossum. I found her in an shop marked down as her spool hands were no longer holding her original package. I became obsessed about making some myself and started collecting handkerchiefs. The label on her arm says Heartstrings. There is a phone number, but I never called it. I also never made any dolls as I had some guilt about copying it and also there is a hole cut in the handkerchief, which I just could not bring myself to do. And that's my story ,and I'm sticking to it.
Last year was a very good pineapple year, and I had six which all tasted yummy. This one has the prettiest flower. It's a hybrid.

After seeing all the wonderful lace everyone is knitting, I dug my UFO, The Pacific Northwest Shawl out of the closet. I have knit and un-knit the last panel "trees" three times already. At least the musty closet smell has waned a bit. Currently the project is in negative status. Sigh. It will be a miracle if it looks like the picture.
For comic relief I'm knitting the cat hat from the first S&B book in the hot pink cotton I swapped keohinani for. It needs ears yet.


  1. Oh the orchid is so pretty, and how nice that you can have flowers every day. I can't imagine having pineapples growing in your yard - it seems so exotic to a New Englander!! The handkerchief doll is really cute . . . I buy your story about not wanting to cut holes in the pretty handkerchiefs 100%!!!

  2. Oh, so pretty! I love orchids. I have that PNW shawl on my list and some amazing alpaca yarn that I got at Oregon Flock & Fiber last year to make it with... Maybe someday!

  3. You know you are living in Paradise when you can grow a pineapple in your own yard and orchids! Can I just say....Adopt Me, hahhaa. Maybe one of these days I will get to where I won't be so ansey on a flight of longer than 4 hrs and visit Hawaii. My husband has been and says it tops off any place he's ever been.

  4. your orchids are gorgeous! and you grew your own pineapples! that's impressive! i never thought of that...sadly, i don't have the green thumb my mom and grandmothers both have. (so what am i, then? oh, duh. a spinning knitter. *twirl* hee.)
    can't wait to see your pink kitty hat! that's hawt :)

  5. Your flower photos always make me want to go to Hawaii to see the blooms in person!

    All the lace around blogland has infected me too. I'm sure your shawl will turn out beautifully after it has been in time out long enough to start behaving again.

  6. Oh, the orchids! Stuff like that makes a desert dweller drool! Your BPT looks great BTW! Also, wonderful closeup of the underarm!
