Saturday, April 01, 2006

I made One Year!

I began blogging exactly one year ago on April Fool's Day. Is there a hidden message in there somewhere?
I started blogging during a down time for me...lot's of issues in my life and in desparation decided to blog my way out of it! A lot of my angst got posted in my first blog and the craft blog split off. The first blog is pretty much just an occasional movie review and whine but remains open for any future hills and valleys.
Along the way, I have met some wonderful "imaginary" friends, as twosheep calls them, and some real ones at the Aloha knitters. I've gotten much inspiration from the talented and creative people out there, not just in knitting and crafts, but in life and love, too!
A big ALOHA! to all the wonderful blog sisters out there for sharing their talents and kind words. And, thanks also bloglines and for enabling me to connect with them and of course the Internet, still the most amazing invention in my time.

This orchid bloomed in time for Project Spectrum yellow and orange. It is delicate and not a long lasting flower, but when well cared for it can make several sprays at once and the glory makes up for the brief show.


  1. Congrats on your anniversary! Hope you get lots of sweets and cake to celebreate.

  2. Congratulations! I'm glad to have "met" you through blogging. I hope year 2 goes even better.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    aloha barb! i was hoping to see your stash in today's post but fair enough--i get to see bits here and there at our snb. the flower pic you posted is unlike anything i've ever seen! do you have any more specifics about it? happy blogiversary! see you soon,

  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Happy blogiversary!!! I'm so glad you're here.

  5. Happy Blogiversary!

  6. Happy One Year Blog annv. to you! I like your beaded markers by the way!

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Happy Bloggiversary Barb! I always enjoy checking in and seeing what you've been up to!

  8. Anonymous7:26 PM


    The sushi stitch markers, by the way, are from I posted a link on the Aloha Knitters group too.


  9. Congratulations on your blogiversary! :)

    Those are some lovely orchids. Thanks for the yellowy goodness!

  10. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  11. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Happy belated blogiversary! That delicate little yellow orchid spray is so lovely! Hope you had a wonderful April 1st!

  12. happy blogiversary!!
    i love the bracelet and earrings you made for your friend's mom :-)

  13. Wow, one whole year! Blogging is great therapy - I love the instant feedback and kind support from virtual friends.

    BTW - I got a chuckle out of your mis-directed e-mail. I'd love to go to Aloha Knitters w/ you, but it's a bit of a long commute!

  14. Happy Blogiversary, Barb!! I'm so glad to have gotten the chance to know you... in both real and "imaginary" life. ;-) Your orchid is beautiful- you have such a green thumb! I'll have to get tips from you; I'm like the Grim Reaper when it comes to gardening! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful knits and crafts with us- Happy Blogiversary, and here's to many more! Take care! :-)
