Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Lacey Disasters and Spinning Out

Wildefoot cable and seed stitch socks are moving slowly. This is my first 48 stitch sock and I think it might be too small. The yarn does not show the pattern very well and is very splitty. Perhaps this will be a lonely one. I cast on Rogue and the Jo Sharp Aran Silk Road is much nicer to knit with. (not sure why blogger keeps loading this picture vertical) All my attempts at knitting lace have been rolled back up into balls. I tried Faery Tale Scarf from Interweave Knits and kept getting giant holes. Most lace patterns say purl all the wrong side rows but this one had yarn overs over yarn overs and it made me nuts.

Wayback sometime ago I bought a book on spinning and a drop spindle at a garage sale. It has been rediscovered in the cleaning frenzy (okay well frenzy is and exaggeration) along with some carded wool I had gotten in the pincushion addiction period of my life. The drop spindle was huge and being quite short it was very heavy. I researched making one of my own and was contemplating a run to City Mill when a lightbulb went on and I decided to do surgery. My son sawed off the crochet hook end of the bottom whorl spindle and screwed in a cup hook.

My odd little ball of yarn was well, strange! I could say the surgery was a success, but the patient died :(
I got a little understanding of how the fibers separate and a lot off knowlege about overspinning, heh. I am resisting the urge to order roving until I go to the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in September. The plan is to sign up for a spinning class where no doubt I will lust after wheels, whorls,and yarns and dream of raising alpaca.
Of course I need a new hobby like I need a hole in my head.

Whine Ahead, stop now if you wanna get off!
I blame work for all this inertia in my crafting. The edict went out "We must change or die!". Being a detail, process type personality, generalities like that just make my head spin. I have to learn to stop those "tank" type personalities from running me over. It's cutting into my creative energy!@ OK, whine over.


  1. I found the wildfoote to be overly spun in several places myself... but it does wash and wear very well (toddler socks, the best gauge of yarn imo!)

    Good luck with the spinning!

  2. Ugh, work. I blame it for a lot of things in my life, most of them not so good. Still, not having work at the moment is causing me some anxiety, as well...I bought a lot more yarn when work was eating my life, I will say that.

    Wisconsin?! A fiber festival!! Lucky you! When are we gonna see some pix of your Rogue?

  3. i don't particularly care for wildefoote, which is why it has taken me a year to make two inches of ribbing for the cuffs of a pair of socks. i do like the colors (i have it in the geranium colorway), so i think i'm going to try reskeining it and washing it to see if that helps. i don't know. i bought four skeins of the stuff. it's just "a'ight." i like it better than cascade fixation, definitely.

    you did what!? you didn't have to saw off the shaft...that's spindle abuse! oh well, the damage has been done.
    i have fiber if you want some...i have LOTS of fiber: corriedale and merino, mostly. i'll be getting more soon, actually, so i am going to come to an aloha knitters meeting just to give it to you. i am also going to give you a spindle so you don't go sawing off the shafts of any more poor innocent spindles. that's just sad.
    but i like the handspun you made. it looks so fluffy! :)

    now all i have to do is entice kai into spinning. hehehe...

  4. I have never tried Wildfoote but have seen it at my LYS. Have fun spinning!!

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Oh that good old hole in the head-I've got lots of them. Keep up the spinning.
