Monday, July 17, 2006

Blended Sky

This morning sky had these blended colors that reminded me of the way Noro Silk Garden blends into the next color, unless there is knot. My Klaralund torso pieces are done (sorry no pictures yet) and I cast two sleeves on and have almost knit one skein each. I started with the same colors and then one skein had a knot and the abrupt color change is a straight line. Somehow it works. (BTW, the view out my patio faces west)

I also cast on Cameron's Hat in my closeout Lana Grossa Cool Wool Big. I cast on 110 stitches and knit along, finding the yarn very soft. When it got to the part about placing markers, lo and behold I discovered 110 does not divide by 4 equally. Hah! Read the directions wrong. Needed 112. Sigh. Luckily I only knit a 14 rows. In those 14 rows I found two knots already! No wonder it was on closeout.

My goal is to have several projects going at once. I just find it's hard not to have favorites and the other lanquish and I suspect Wildefoote socks are destined to be frogged. No sense fighting my true nature. I'm a serial knitter, what can I say!

Bead It! Had one of their very frequent Trunk Shows. I went for eye pins, somehow having become obsessed with making a rosary. Of course they had no eye pins only head pins, so I'll have to make my own, sigh, but I managed to find some cute toggles , beadcaps and dangles.


  1. NICE sky! Funny, the sky I always watch is the one up your way, over the Ko'olaus.
    Hoooray for lots of projects at once!! Somehow it works.

  2. That blended sky is breath-taking. I can't wait to see pics of your multiple WIPs too. :)

  3. What a beautiful shot of the sky. You really must share it with Sandy. She would LOVE it.

  4. Ach why can't I see the beautiful photo?? For some reason none of the pictures are showing for me on blogger.

    I'll pretend I can see it!

  5. I could look at that sky forever. It so relaxing. I can't wait to see your next beading and knitting WIP.

  6. Gorgeous picture! And I'm having a serial knitting problem right now too!

  7. I just hate it when they have knots in yarn... especially multiples! Is there no quality control anymore?
