Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Last Days of Purple

Project Spectrum purple month is almost over. There were no purple flowers in my yard, only periwinkle ones...Blue Daze, Agapanthus and some daisy-like weed. Periwinkle-a purplish blue, a type of snail and a type of flower, used medicinally for menstrual disorders. I never knit my pinkish-purple yarns, Cascade Pastaza and Heathers. I blame the heat and being wooed by Noro and Socks that Rock., not to mention the wander to the dark side of hooking.

I managed a few earrings and a couple of bracelets in the air conditioning of my friends home. Nothing fancy, just trying to use up some stash, hopefully to sell at a craft fair in November.

On the knitting front, I am in the final garter rows of Klaralund. Wyvern socks are approaching the heel turn, and Rogue is resting.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Those are great flower pictures. I just love the color periwinkle.

  2. "...Rogue is resting."

    Is that what we call it now? Okay, I am surrounded by napping UFO's. What does it take to wake them up??? --Syl
