Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Fantastic Knit Coat

I met a creative and beautiful self proclaimed "free form knitter" on my trip and she modelled her fantastic creation. This coat is knit of multiple yarns and is soft and luxurious to touch and just the ticket for a cool almost fall day. The collar is alpaca and just sets the whole thing off. She looked amazing in it. This woman is talented!

Believe it or not, I actually read two whole books on the trip. I also got introduced to Sudoku and burned up a lot of erasers:). I found a copy of Knitting on the Road, on my last walk through the Barnes and Nobles Knitting section, so I figured it was karma and bought it. I visited Prairie Lights , a cool independent book store in Iowa City.


  1. Sudoku rocks. Glad you discovered it. :-)

  2. Did you like the Mermaid's Chair? I've been curious about it.

    I like that coat. It looks Inuit or Native American...maybe because of the cool fringe? Bet it'd be toasty in Mocha Java!

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Oh heavens, what a coat! I couldn't believe it's knitted till I looked closer - now this is art, real art, and definitely highly inspiring indeed!

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    We drove cross country about 8 years ago and Prairie Lights was one of the hidden gem highlights of the trip!
