Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thanks for the comments and emails:)

On Sunday, I was sitting at my computer finishing some work when the house shook and for a brief moment I thought it would never stop. Then the computer shut down and there was an island side black out. My power did not come back on until 1 am the next day. It was inconvenient but I'm so grateful there were no people lives lost. I knit a bit, did some Sudoku, watched Galaxy Quest on my Palm Pilot, read some, and slept.
I appreciate all the comments and emails I recieved. Bloggers are the best!

The next part is sad, so some of you may want to stop here.

My only casualty here was my son's fish. We tried to figure out how old they were. Mr. Manini was about 1/2 inch long and grew to 7 inches. Mr. Aholehole was 3/4 inch and grew to 13.5 inches. He caught them at the beach when he was 8, like so many kids do here, but his fared quite well under his diligent care. He is 22 now. I have not been able to find out how long these fish live. Perhaps in the wild it is shorter due to predators. We are sad. Many times during their stay with us we thought of returning them to the sea, but then, they were used to having regular meals and knew they wouldn't know how to fend for themselves.
Lesson learned: If you have fish, make sure the back up pump is battery operated.

Yesterdays sunset.


  1. awww bummer about Mr. Manini and Mr. Aholehole! We had an Aholehole converted to fresh water that lived in our koi pond. I seem to remember that we had him for a very long time (the koi and aholehole got sent to Honolulu when dad filled in the pond). I always thought that it was cool having a "wild fish" in with the koi.

  2. I had to read on about the fish. I am so sorry. So beautiful these fish. They got really big too. I was thinking and wondering about you as my girlfriend was trying to get in touch with their daughter there. So relieved to see you are ok. xoxo

  3. Oh I'm so sorry about your fish! What a part of your family history they were...I didn't realize how dependant on that pumped water they were! You know you gave them great lives, and they were well cared for.

    The earthquake, the whole day, in fact, was weird. Like some blip or aberration in my normally busy, buzzy weekends...

  4. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Oh Barb, I'm so relieved and glad that you're safe! As soon as I heard about the earthquake, I thought about you and prayed that your were safe - so good to know that you really are, and that no lives were lost!
    What a bummer about the fish, I'm so sorry!

  5. Oh man. I hate it when the little creatures in your life pass away. Not sure if you have one, but if there was a UPS (emergency battery sort of thing) to backup power your computer, you could have used it for the tank.

    I am just glad you are okay though, and what a gorgeous sky to share with us!

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sorry to hear about Mr. Manini and Mr. Aholehole.

    Our power came back on at about 11:30 pm, other than that it really was an okay day.

  7. Sorry to hear about the fish. But also happy to hear everything else was okay... I can't imagine it wasn't a strange experience.

  8. I'm so sorry about your son's fish! When I was growing up on Oahu, we had a wonderful fish tank, full of beautiful fish. I can so relate to your sadness on losing old friends! BTW, how in the world did you get them to live so long? That's amazing!

  9. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Oh how sad is that??? Thank goodness no one else got hurt and you all are safe.
