Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

Pattern: Sharp Fingerless Gloves
Yarn: Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran, less then one ball, (Cascade Pastazza work well, too)
Needles: size 7, set of for DP or two circulars if you prefer
Size: small women (wrist about 6 inches)

twisted rib: K into back of second stitch on left needle and leave on needle. K into front of skipped stitch on left needle and slip both stitches off
M1F: From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop.
M1B: From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop
PM: place marker

CO 30 stitches, divide on 3 needles and join, without twisting.
Row 1 and 2: *P1,K1,P1,K2* repeat around
Row 3: *P1,K1,P1, twisted rib* repeat around

Repeat these 3 rows until there are 3 twists.

Row10 and 11: K2,P1,K2,P1,K6,P1,K2,P1,K6,P1,K2,P1,K4
Row 12: K2,P1,twisted rib,K6,P1,twisted rib,P1,K6,P1,twisted rib,P1,K4

Repeat these 3 rows until there are 3 twists
Row 18:

Thumb gusset
K9 **
PM,incease into next stitch by knitting in front and back then slip off,PM (two stitches between marker)
Knit next round and every other row in pattern.
Increase until you have 10 stitches between the markers by. M1F after first marker and M1B before the next marker, Place the gusset stitches on a holder.

**For the alternate glove, instructions are the same, except start K8

Join and knit around continuing pattern for two more twists.
K1P1 rib, decreasing one stitch at top of thumb on the first row. Continue rib for 5 rows then cast off in rib.

put 10 stitches back on 2 needles. pick up 3 more stitches with the 3rd need at the top of the thumb opening and knit in stockinette stitch for 3 rows.
K1P1 rib, decreasing one stitched at top of thumb for two rows, bind out in rib.

Weave in ends.

Totoros think they make fine tree stumps.

PS: Everyone is tagged to do the New Years meme

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rogue Alive!

from The Girl From Auntie
Yarn: Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran Tweed in color Tartan (more like the top picture), Wool/silk/Cashmere
Needles: size 6 and 7
Hems: Tried the diagonal on the bottom and 1x1 rib on the sleeves
Size: smallest

I loved this knit. I thought I had gauge but did not have perfect row gauge. If I had my druthers it would be a little longer. I added several rows to make the sleeves long enough. It is modeled unblocked and looks amazing on both my my sister and her mom. Blocking may have added the length I needed. The pattern is very clever and well written. I also loved working with this yarn. It was extremely cuddly, soft and warm. The few little pokey twigs came out easily. My sister who it is for, and her daughter who is the model, and I all loved the color and the yarn. It might be a good idea to block the hood as I read about how to eliminate the small "ears" after I have seamed the hood.

I feel so lucky to have very slim women who live in cold places to knit for as I can use less yarn, heh. They are carrying away some of my other knits, Coronet Hat in Lamb's Pride Bulky Fuschia and Cascade Pastaza Braid Cable Wristlets with matching hat(not shown), STR neck sock and Noro Diagonal scarf.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mele Kalikimaka 2006

santos posted about this gingerbread and I ran out and got the cookbook, The Breakfast Book, by Marion Cunningham. The gingerbread (more of a cake) was delicious! I tried the Gingersnap cookies which impressed even my visiting sister, the one who's culinary expertise is legendary.

May all your knittin' be merry, and bright.
May all your stitchin' be tiny and tight.
And may all your cookin' be tasty and great.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bathroom Sushi and a bit of Wierdness

I was tagged by Rachel with a meme.

6 weird things about me

“THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”

Well I will tag Puanani and Kim with this meme. Okay, I know that's only two.

Weird thing #1. I live in the same house I grew up in.

Weird thing #2. I can only read novels when I'm on vacation. When I'm not on vacation, I can only seem to read craft magazines and books, especially knitting books, and work-related journals.

Wierd thing #3. I have never been outside of America.

Weird thing #4. I was taught Mandarin Chinese from 4th to 12th grade by the same teacher, but alas, I remember little having not used it.

Weird thing #5. I am a terrible letter writer, but I love email!

Weird thing #6. I'm mostly Asian, with a bit of Spanish, but I like my sashimi cooked!. (Which is to say I don't like sashimi) I do, however love natto.

Which reminds me that my niece always gets mad when people get sashimi and sushi mixed up. She also gets mad when people say shushi instead of sushi. And that brings me to...

Bathroom Sushi
Pattern by Kai
A variation found at diy Network

I learned how to do a yf increase. Where has that one been all my life? Mine came out a bit snug. I am a tight knitter. While knitting with Opal at Mocha Java the other night, a guy came up and told me he grew up in house where every bathroom had a toilet paper cozy, but the rule was the toilet paper was not to be used! Surely that can't be the rule. I thought this was the emergency spare:)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Something Sparkly

I took the Rainbow Crystal bracelet class and finished this bracelet for my sister's birthday/Christmas gift. She likes very sparkly things and can get away with wearing big, honking clasps like the periodot flower. It is so tuff to get good photos of crystals.

The sky at dusk was full of incredible clouds.

It made up for the damage the wind did to my fence.

Knit a Totoro (The primitives)

Added 1/19/2011: I often get asked if this is the Totoro pattern I use now. The answer is no. I usually do not use a pattern, and no two are alike. Some time after knitting these early ones, I discovered needle felting and not use that for the facial features.

A couple party Totoro's showed up yesterday. The green Koigu hat is actually one of Saartje's flowers turned upside down. I was too lazy to knit holes for the ears, but maybe next time.

I finally got around to checking and rewriting the pattern as the old version was messed up.

Needles: set of 4 DP
Size 1-2 for sock yarn, 7-8 for bulky/worsted

Inc=knit in front and back, slip stitch off the needle

Back and head:
CO 9 sts. Join, place marker
1-and all odd rows except row 5, knit
2-k1, Inc in the next 8 stitches. (17 stitches)
4-k2, inc in next stitch, then * K1, inc in next stitch*, repeat between * all around. (25 st.)
6-K9, inc 1, k6, inc 1, k8 (27 st)
8-K1, Inc 1, k7, inc 1 in next 2 st, k6, inc 1 in next 2 st, k7, inc 1 in last st (33 st)
10-K1, Inc 1, k9, inc 1 in next 2 st, k8, inc 1 in next 2 st, k9, inc 1 in last st (39 st)
14-K1, K2tog, knit until two stitches remain, then ssk.
Repeat rows 14 and 15 until 19 stitches remain

Next row-K1, * K2tog, K5, K2tog *, Repeat between * around (15 st)
Next row-K2tog, Knit around (14 st)
Next row- * K2tog, K3, K2tog *, Repeat between * around (10 stitches

Knit last row Cut yarn. Thread tail through stitches, stuff and draw up tight.

Use starting tail to close up hole on base.

Arms: Cast on 8 st. Join. Work in in stock st, work 7 rows. Divide stitches on two needles. Double bind off. This end is sewed to body. Use black yarn to embroider claws if desired.

Ears: Cast on 3 st. Work as I-cord for 2 rows. Continue as I-cord, but inc in middle stitch.. Work as I-cord for 1 rows. Then K1, ssk, K1. Last row, K1, ssk, then cut yarn and thread through st.
Draw up the thread to bottom so it is opposite the starting thread. Use tails to sew down the ears. The size of the ears will have to be adjust depending on how big the Totoro is.

Tail: CO 15 st. Join. Stock st for 4 rows. K2tog both ends. Stock st 4 rows. K2tog both ends. P next row. K2tog both ends. P next row. K2 tog, both end and in the middle. Gather up remaining st., stuff then sew to body.
Alternately pick up the stitches directly on the body and knit in the round.
Eyeball the placement, and pick up 13-15 stitches. When the tail seems long enough, k2 tog, k1 one row, then k2 together all around until about 8 stitches are left, and thread through the tail stuff before pull up and bury tails.

Optional bib:
CO 6 (or pick up 6 on of the front garter stitches, center over the front)
Work back and fourth stock st for 3 rows.
K1, M1, K4, M1, K1
Purl one row
K1, M1, K6, M1, K1
Work stock stitch for 7 rows.
K1, ssk, k4,K2tog, K1
Purl one row
Bind off. Sew done to front, stuff lightly if you want.

5 Apply eyes of your choice
*Another way to do the arms, tail and ears is to use DP needles and pick up st. directly on the body and knit in the round. Stuff the tail before drawing it shut. The stitches are easier to place if you stuff the body before picking up the stitches. You may need fewer stitches. Anything to reduce the dread seamingJ

Monday, December 11, 2006

Little Pleasures

Pattern: Coronet Hat from Knitty
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Bulky in Fuschia
I hope my niece will like the color as it is a far departure from my usual palette. Rachel made a couple of these already. I followed the pattern and picked up stitches on the wrong side. It leaves a little ridge at the top which worked okay, but probably would look okay the picking up stitches on the right side. It's still drying. It will be very cozy and I think my niece can make of use of it in Chicago, Brrrr! It was a fun knit, and I love the yarn!

This Cascade Pastaza started out as OSW and while knitting it I couldn't help but go "ick". I think it will be perfect as a Shaker Rib Hat and I think I have enough. The cable in the Warm Braid Cable Wristwarmers did not show up too well. I think if I had photographed it a smaller resolution, I would not have so much resizing artifact. /The hairy mohair didn't help, either. My son was gracious enough to model them.

Growing up in Hawaii, one of my favorite treats after a long day at the beach was Shave Ice. For years we went to Uptown Sundries on School street between Liliha and Nuuanu. Later, it changed to B & S and moved down the street, and now it has a brand new name. I haven't been there yet. This is a picture of the Shave Ice from Gyotaku. The ice is not fine like I would like but the the azuki bean cap (Japanese Chocolate, my dad always said) was tasty and so was the strawberry syrup. Now I have to get my little pleasure at Waiola. Maybe when my sister is in town, we will try the new place.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Crafty Weekend

I went over to my friends house and we had regular Christmas earring factory going on. She had acquired some very fine beads for trees and Christmas ornaments and she assembled and I wrapped. It was great fun. These are just some that I brought home.

I took a class at The Bead Gallery called Eternity Expressions. It starts with 10 gauge fine silver wire which is formed into giant jump rings then fused with a creme brulee torch. After that I get to pound it flat, marked then buffed. The final ring can be worn on a chain or ribbon. I might make a key ring out of one too.

Last but not least, I finished these
Lace Wings Fixation Anklets for my apple green loving sister. I loved this fast, simple pattern.