Monday, December 18, 2006

Bathroom Sushi and a bit of Wierdness

I was tagged by Rachel with a meme.

6 weird things about me

“THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”

Well I will tag Puanani and Kim with this meme. Okay, I know that's only two.

Weird thing #1. I live in the same house I grew up in.

Weird thing #2. I can only read novels when I'm on vacation. When I'm not on vacation, I can only seem to read craft magazines and books, especially knitting books, and work-related journals.

Wierd thing #3. I have never been outside of America.

Weird thing #4. I was taught Mandarin Chinese from 4th to 12th grade by the same teacher, but alas, I remember little having not used it.

Weird thing #5. I am a terrible letter writer, but I love email!

Weird thing #6. I'm mostly Asian, with a bit of Spanish, but I like my sashimi cooked!. (Which is to say I don't like sashimi) I do, however love natto.

Which reminds me that my niece always gets mad when people get sashimi and sushi mixed up. She also gets mad when people say shushi instead of sushi. And that brings me to...

Bathroom Sushi
Pattern by Kai
A variation found at diy Network

I learned how to do a yf increase. Where has that one been all my life? Mine came out a bit snug. I am a tight knitter. While knitting with Opal at Mocha Java the other night, a guy came up and told me he grew up in house where every bathroom had a toilet paper cozy, but the rule was the toilet paper was not to be used! Surely that can't be the rule. I thought this was the emergency spare:)


  1. Thanks for the tag. I'll get around to it, assuredly!
    I always assumed one would use that covered tp roll eventually, too.

    Now I'm wondering if I"m confused about sushi and sashimi, too. Is sashimi just the fish, no rice, no nori? And sushi is the rolls? Or is sushi the overall genre of Japanese ricey-fishy-seaweedy-yummy food?

    On another note entirely, I followed your link to, and now am completely obsessed with bentos...yikes.

  2. Oh I love your sushi TP cozy. I don't find it at all weird that you still live in the house you grew up in. I know a lot of people who do the same. Including me... so is that a case of takes on to know one?

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Kawaii! I love the colors you chose for the fillings - very local style!

  4. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I loved your meme, it's always so interesting reading through these things!
    I have to admit that I absolutely don't have a clue about the difference between sushi and sashimi - I know that sushi is not sashimi and would thus probably not mix it up, but oy, what the heck is both, exactly?
    I totally adore the sushi cozy, it's so cool!

  5. OMG!! A maki roll I could put in the bathroom!! You made my day because I want to make a couple as gifts for those who would appreciate it. Thank you!! :)

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Natto? My family loves it. I'll eat it but I don't love it the way they do.

    Love the tp cozy!

  7. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Hah! Adorable!

  8. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Must. Have. Bathroom. Sushi!!!

    Mmmmmm! Natto. drool

    Merry Xmas! :-)
