Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Retail Therapy Rewards

I thought Baby Eleanor would be done by now and I'd have pictures, but I found another ball of yarn so she grows a little more! I managed to finish one Child's First Sock from Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. It's a pretty pattern and I love the blue.
Today I had an appointment in Kailua so I thought I would stop by the Kailua Starbucks and perhaps find some knitters. Never mind that it's the wrong day, and I don't even know if it's the right Starbucks. I figured if I channeled energy, moon and crew would be knitting there. Hah, jokes on me! I knit alone! But, I did manage to cast on for the second sock.
Next door is Ben Franklin, and I decided to do some retail therapy there.

I picked up the Cascade 220 book, the Clover pompom maker and a few odds and ends. I was rewarded by purchasing over a certain amount thus qualifing for 20% off! In addition, when I got home, the mail man had brought me one of my Amazon books, E. Zimmerman's Knitting Workshop. I have been obsessing over Ganomy Hat from EZ's Knitting Almanac. It's ordered too, but didn't come today.

I bumped into Kim at Safeway on Sunday. We apparently simultaneously felt the need to cook. I baked chocolate chip cookies ala Farmgirl Fare

This recipe has no baking soda or powder. The cookies are soft and yummy.

I also made chicken soup, carrot cake and carrot soup (from the Moosewood Cookbook). The carrot soup has a touch of fresh ginger and garlic in it. I also added chopped parsley which is abundant right now in dad's garden and a dollop of yogurt. Remind me next time not to buy carrots at Costco! What with all the carrot cooking the bag is still full! What was I thinking?

Anyone have any carrot recipes to share?


  1. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Excellent treasures and wasn't it great to get that discount!

  2. What a fun day! I'm sorry I don't have any carrot recipes for you. Last year we grew carrots and had a bumpercrop of them! They make great baby food, so if you know anyone with little ones, I just steamed the carrots, mashed them up, and then put the "mush" in ice cube trays to freeze. Once they're frozen, pop them out and put them in a big ziploc bag. Ready-made baby food! Just zap 'em in the microwave for about 15 seconds at a time, and maybe add a bit of baby oatmeal to thicken. Healthy and cheap.

    You know, your carrot soup recipe sounds really good. I'm going to try that this summer when the carrots start getting huge again.

    Thanks for continiuing to comment on my blog, btw. It's very encouraging!

  3. which moosewood cookbook is the carrot soup in? i have a couple of their books, and i like the sound of carrot soup!

  4. Anonymous8:47 AM

    No carrot recipes, but everything sounds yummy. I love the blue of your sock.

  5. Love the new sock AND that plate...adorable! You got a great book there, too. How's the pom pom maker?

  6. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Choco Chip cookies!!! Drool! These are my faves for sure and mind you, I'd *so* love to have one or two... or more.... right now with my tea! Yay for the book haul, and that sock is *so* beautiful! What a gorgeous pattern - I'll totally need to get this book too, soonest possible! ;)

  7. Love the sock! I just got that book and that's a pattern I definitely want to try.

    As for carrots, I remember doing a think when I was a kid where you took a bunch of shredded carrots, added sugar, lemon juice and raisins and mixed it all together for a sweet desert. Can't tell you much more than that from memory though....


  8. There's that carrot-raisin salad. Coarsely grated carrots, raisins, canned crushed pineapple, and something creamy like yogurt, sour cream, ranch dressing, or mayo.

    We eat a lot of curried carrots here. Olive oil, chopped yellow or red onion, crushed garlic, finely grated peeled ginger root, a bit of cumin, a lot of curry powder, a dash of garam masala if you have it, a touch of black pepper, lots of sliced carrots, and chicken broth to cover. Basically just a dal recipe with carrots instead of lentils (can mix and use both, adding the carrots closer to the end if you want them to be apparent).

    IIRC, you can add carrots to mustard pickles. Since cukes aren't in season, you can can hot or Hungarian peppers and carrot sticks in a sweet mustard sauce.

    There are chilled vinaigrettes, too, like the dill one used for string beans, that will work for carrot sticks as a refrigerator (non-canned) pickle.

    How about making kimchi with half cabbage, half grated carrot? --Syl, who used to raise carrots on the farm and dealt with 200-pound carrot dilemmas! (much easier than the year when beets did a bit too well...)
