Monday, April 09, 2007

Sunshine Watermelon Easter Bunny

Pattern: fuzzymitten Easter Bunny. Twisted rib pullover-just winged it
Yarn: Rowans Cashoff for bunny, Sunshine yarn in watermelon

Instructions are easy to follow. I wish it was in the round since my seaming leaves a lot to be desired. Not sure why his arms are in the "surfing" position". I think it's because of the way I knit on the sleeves.

Having grown up in Nuuanu, I always think of Hawaii as being cool, wet and green. I remember returning from college in Kansas and stepping off the plane into the lush greenery of my valley. No doubt that is why I returned here, right back to where I grew up. My folks built a new house in the back for themselves, and my dad still tends his garden at 87. My mom has thing about the cardinal in the photo. She thinks it's "her" bird and gets mad when the doves steal her bird's food. Heh. It's a control issue, I think. (click the picture to enlarge)

I found the Project Spectrum bush on my walk around the neighborhood.


  1. your easter bunny is so cute - you did a nice job! i understand what you mean about hawaii being cool and green - when i return from a trip to the mainland, it amazes me how lush and green the islands look in comparison....and living in kaneohe with the beautiful koolaus everywhere you turn is something to truely be thankful for....

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Your bunny is so-o-o cute! I love the watermelon colors! I came back to Hawaii from SF and as soon as I got off the plane into the runway tunnel thing I felt the immense heat and mugginess! I would love to live in Nuuanu or Manoa where it is cool and green!

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    He's a completely delightful surfing bunny!

  4. Anonymous9:31 PM

    What a very, very cute Easter bunny - I actually love his "surfer's style" ;)
    It's strange, but when we here think of Hawaii, then certainly never as being "cool and green" - we think more about a very hot and dry place. This goes to show how little idea we Europeans have ;) Following your blog and seeing many photos of your place certainly changed my thinking - I think your nature's beauty and the sheer richness of it is such a blessing!

  5. Your bunny's in the surfing pose because he's a Hawaiian bunny. Little watermelon rashguard shirt and all. Your pix of your surrounding greenery are wonderful. I'm always shocked when I go downhill to Waikiki or Kakaako and see how hot it really can be here. Nuuanu has spoiled me. Of course we do get more mold than those downhill denizens. So it's not all rainbows and cool mist.

  6. I love it! Your bunny is adorable!
    Love all the colors in it's sweater too.

  7. That bunny is so adorable! I can't believe how cute he is! I'm not usually a fan of knitted toys, but that's so cute I might have to knit it for my daughter!

    I love Nuuanu, too. Of course, I grew up at Hickam, so I prefer the wetter side of the Island.

  8. It's so adorable. We could use that lush cool greeness here is SC. It's green, but also hot and muggy.

  9. Your surfing bunner is a handsome lad! And yes I am copying you; I bought the pattern as soon as I saw yours.

  10. That bunny is absolutely freekin' adorable!! I think you did a fine job.

    *sigh* To live in Hawaii... I hope to at least *see* it one day....


  11. Your bunny is SO cute and thanks for the link to Fuzzy Mitten's Etsy shop. I just bought her Siamese Cat pattern! I love knitting toys and it's nice to come across such adorable patterns.
