Friday, July 20, 2007

Maui No Ka Oi

My trip to Maui was a business trip and I really meant to leave my knitting at home, but at the last minute Mr. Sockfish decided to stowaway. The Trekking Monkey sock posed in front of one of the Wailea Shops, where Paris Hilton is alleged to shop. From a crafter's POV, this shop is full of great projects. Who doesn't need a dial phone that looks like a pink dog, or a dress so stiff with beads it's impossible to sit in? I suppose if I was 20, a size o and rich I would ...errr, well maybe not. But I certainly wouldn't mind making some of this stuff for fun!

I managed to finish one sock. I made it a little shorter for our tropical weather. I also stopped at Sew Special - Maui at the Kaahumau Shopping Center in Kahului. No yarn, but lots of great buttons and I picked up the Clover felting needles. No, I don't have any plans, for needle felting, I just "collected" the kit, heh.

Both of my parents are from Maui. After my grandma died, I lost my desire to go to Maui for awhile. My last trip there was 3 years ago and I was amazed and dismayed at all the progress.

Downtown Lahaina, is lot of little shops and restaurants and a lot of traffic.

Kula still has a breathtaking view but there are so many new houses up there. This picture looks down on the "neck" of Maui, which is said to look like a kneeling woman. The West Maui mountains, viewed from the south, make up her head.

I ate pineapple every day. It was so sweet. This is a great pineapple year, hot! Woohoo!!


  1. Wow, thanks for the amazing photos. Unluckies like me who can't get there, can at least live vicariously through you! :) Wishin' I was in Hawaii,

  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Thank you so much for taking us with you to Maui - wow, what would I give to be there right now! I'd love to have a look through all these amazing stores - and yep, a bit of shopping would be in order too then ;) And yay for eating so many pineapples - have you tried the Pina Colada recipe yet? I had one yesterday and it rocked big time - and it knocked me off pretty quickly too ;)
    Beautiful sock btw!

  3. looks like a nice time in maui, even tho' for business....i like your blue monkey sock, isn't it amazing how the monkey looks great in almost any yarn? hope your weekend is sweet!

  4. looks like you had a great time! your monkey sock is really pretty. i love that blue!

  5. I think a part of me lives vicariously through your photos! I really miss the islands, especially when you go on about pineapples!

    Lovely socks, and you must be so pleased. You've inspired me to start a pair of them, too, after I finish up my current socks. Have a great weekend!

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I loved Maui the time that I went, but that was maybe 11 years ago. My parents lived in Honolulu for awhile, but I liked Maui better precisely b/c it was more rural and laid back. Hopefully it's not too overcrowded yet.

  7. Damn you! I'm homesick now!

    I bet my parents knew your parents!

  8. Im jealous. Real Pineapple and sugar where it is grown. AHHH!

    Great web shots. Thanks

  9. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Your sock looks awesome and that scenery is beautiful!

  10. Looks like an interesting trip. Thanks for the pics. Your sock look great too! :)


  11. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Beautiful pictures, and it looks like you had a fun trip!

  12. I am so happy that you are knitting the pair of Moneky sock. They look so good! I am still the last one to make ths patter:)Maui looks like a place you would never want to leave.

  13. Like your sock. Beautiful photos of the sky.

  14. Oh what gorgeous pictures!! Next time I'm coming with you. Hey, I'm business too. Then we can both buy funky things for our size 0 figures. Ok, I'm waking up now. :)Damn, that pineapple was tasting good too!
