Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monkey Socks, FO

My Summer of Socks lone pair is finally done!

Pattern: Moneky Socks by Cookie A
Yarn: Trekking XXL, color 77, a present(yay!)
Needles: Knitpicks, size 1

Trekking is finer and not sproingy like Koigu. It seemed a bit splitty, so the very sharp knitpicks came in handy. I loved the color shading and the final product. The pattern is very easy to follow and thankfully easy on the lace-phobic I've become.

The grey Totoro's really wanted to be in the picture, as they feel entitled to equal time to the blues.

Now, what for Project Spectrum orange, brown, purple? Do I cheat like last color and post flowers? Hmmm.


  1. is that the socks you were starting at aloha knitters two weeks ago? that's fast, by my standards! nice monkey socks and colorway - i love that pattern.

  2. Nice monkeys! I know what you mean about trekking being splitty, but it washes and wears so nicely... and the colors! I think it's my fav commercial yarn.

  3. they're beautiful! you did a wonderful job. :)

  4. Grrrr, everyone's knitting Monkey Socks but me! I'd love to cast on a pair for myself, but I just made a promise to myself that I'd only work on Christmas gifts for awhile, and unfortunately, no one wants socks *sigh*. Ah well, at least I can enjoy seeing yours done beautifully!

  5. i love all your totoros. :D

  6. very nice monkeys! And hey, it totally counts if you make at least one pair of socks for your summer of socks

  7. Beautiful! I never would have thought of trekking for that pattern, but it totally works!


  8. Anonymous5:02 AM

    They're fabulous :)

  9. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Wow! They look absolutely fantastic! Very beautiful colorway, and the pattern sure rocks big time! Great job!!!

  10. I love the socks, and the totoro display them nicely !!!! :)

  11. That's a lovely colorway for the Monkey socks. You picked the perfect Trekking.

  12. Your Monkey socks look so comfey! I love the blue color too. One of my favorite colors:) Practicing this pattern right now to see if I can do it:)

  13. What a great color. Love the post

  14. Fantabulous and wonderful! xo me

  15. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Fabulous Monkeys! I can't seem to get Trekking to work in a pattern. I tried knitting some up into a pattern recently and just didn't like the look of it. Plain Jane socks it will be!

  16. Those socks are a dream! I adore socks
