Wednesday, September 19, 2007

No photo wandering Wednesday

To heck with the math, I ate the white pineapple all up! It was very sweet:)

Ariann will need frogging and redoing. I lead myself to believe that the decreases would take care of themselves, and now the collar won't roll and the neckline is ruffled. I'm verklempt.

Perhaps I'll start some simple socks.

I did manage to sew a silk blouse for $2.99. I got a brand new dress on half off day at Goodwill and made a T-shirt blouse.

I'm still traumatized from the giant centipede I found one night in my dining room. It was huge! I hope there aren't any more. I'm thinking I have to wear shoes in the house.

I passed my Boards. I'm so happy I wasn't in the 6% that fail. It would be grounds for seppuku. There were no questions on shoulder dystocia this year, but they persist in putting those statistic questions, like NNT, etc. I just want to know the bottom line!

I got my first passport. Yup, I've never left the country and I've passed the half century mark. Kentucky was the most foreign place I've been too. I want to see Niagara Falls and my sister has talked me in to flying in to Toronto instead of driving from Buffalo. I better practice my French. Any good yarn stores in Chicago or Toronto?

I took Erin's class, Bubbles and Baubles in hopes of learning to wire wrap top drilled beads. It's going to take a lot of practice.


  1. Yay! You passed the boards! Congratulations! Hopefully the joy of that will ease the heartache that is the Ariann.

  2. Congrats!

    Lettuce Knit in Toronto is, I am told, wonderful.

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    congratulations on passing your boards! way to go!

  4. What a lot of news! Congratulations on passing the boards. Wow!

    I'm doing some frogging and creative steeking on DD's Rogue -- she grew. I knew she was growing but couldn't figure out how to make the new adjustments until the sweater was finished and she tried it on (and couldn't move her arms).

    I hope Ariann behaves better the second time around.

    Did the pineapple differ in flavor from the conventional type?

    I don't have a passport, but I can speak French... Always thought I'd have been to Europe by now, but when the wanderlust hits I go into the city for a coffee and am soon ready to go home. Please to post photos of your travels for those of us who travel via the couch?

  5. Congrats on passing the boards! A white pineapple sounds so yummy! Yarn Harlot should know all the hot spots for yarn in Toronto! Oh yeah, I'm tagging you for 8 Things About Me!

  6. Congrats on passing! I hope you have a lovely trip! There are some really nice stores in Chicago, especially along Lake Michigan.

  7. Congratulations on the boards!
    Sorry to hear about Ariann. It was beautiful while it lasted. I think it's heartache time in the knitting world, these days. At least you had the pineapple to console you...

  8. Anonymous10:46 PM

    You've been really busy lately - congratulations on passing the Boards! And my gosh, that centipede sounds scary indeed - I'm pretty terrified by everything that crawls and has more than four legs, so I'm afraid I would have run away screaming!

  9. Anonymous2:50 PM

    There are some great yarn shops in Chicago, Barb! I went to Knitwerks and Loopy, both were great!

  10. Congrats on the boards! Sorry to read about Ariann though. You won't need french for Toronto and there are definitely good yarn stores. Just check out the Yarn Harlot's blog!


  11. Congrats on your boards! I've been so wrapped up in MINE, I didn't realize you were going through the same thing :) P.S. I love your totoro!

  12. You definitely need to go to Lettuce Knit. It was my favourite yarn store in all of toronto. Romni wools was interesting, but tended to be totally chaotic. Depending on how much time you have, there are more good stores in toronto, but for sure you need to go to Lettuce Knit. The bonus to Lettuce Knit is that it's in Kensington Market, which is a pretty fun part of town. Romni Wools is in a good location if you like fabric and bead stores. It's on Queen St. West. In between Spadina and Bathurst is an amazing selection of fabric both cheap cheap and not cheap (Mac Fab has awesome fabric that is... not as expensive as fabric gets, but still not super cheap)
