Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trip part 3of3: Wisconsin Treasures and Minamilist FO

Madison, Wisconsin is a mere 2.5 hour drive from Ohare Airport. My sister there is a very good cook and I threw the low carb diet to the wind and totally enjoyed homemade cherry pie! Yum. I made up for with with the very colorful salmon/vegie feast. Thank you blogless sister! (The defect in the lattice top, was made by ME!)

Two days after I left Fall fell, and her birch turned golden. Amazing!

Although the plan was to keep shopping to a minimum, we visited a lovely antique store where I picked up some celluloid needles, another bone awl and some tatted edging. I am fond of bone awls although I don't really know what they were used for. I hope not to pick one's teeth. I also found a Pyrex creamer and small bowl in Opal at a thrift store. I admit I'm a Pyrex junkie. It just seems so clean and the it's heat resistance is legendary! Wikipedia says the Corning Glass Works company invented it in 1915. It's hard for me to resist the custard cups, mixing bowls and pie plates whenever I see them. Little Totoros were quite happy with the new Acorn dish. Thanks again sister!

Minimalist got some quality time on the road. I followed the Knitty directions for seaming which is a lot better then my previous methods. I had just enough yarn for the size small in Cascade Largo. It is a great little swingy cardigan and a mindless knit. Love it!

I was reminded everywhere that Halloween will be upon us soon. I knit Susan Esser's pumpkin hat in Cascade 220 and a Fisherman's rib hat (just winged the pattern) with stash remnants.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wow, those photos on your blog look amazing on the computer. Thank you for highlighting the pie & dinnner and treasures found on our shopping day here.
    Love, Suan

  2. Lovely photos, one and all! Oh, my! That cherry pie looks delicious! The salmon & veggie feast, too! Minimalist came out very well. I love that type of cardi - so easy to wear yet looks good, too, and the beautiful golden leaves on that tree! Amazing!

  3. Love your beautiful fall color!

  4. Yuummm, that cherry pie looks so good!
    I love this sweater!

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    There is a pie defect? What pie defect? Your minimalist cardigan came out great! Love the pumkin hat too!

  6. your minimalist is beautiful...a knit to wear a lot!
    the food photos are making me hungry!

  7. Love the cardi! I especially like the way that shade of blue shows the texture. It looks as if it will coordinate well with just about anything, too.

    Cute little stripey tortoro. --syl

  8. i am so tempted to make that minimalist cardigan. it looks so cozy and if it's mindless, then i'm all for it.

    that cherry pie looks divine.

  9. man o man...I miss the mainland.
    *sniffle*....I miss fall!!!!!!!!! Well atleast I know that next fall I will be back in a place where leaves change color, the air is crispy and fall will once again be in my soul.
    You are one lucky chick!
    xo Moon

  10. That pie looks amazing! And so does the sweater! Sounds like a great trip. :)


  11. Wow, nice loot! And, love the cardigan, Fisherman hat, along with the Pumpkin hat as well.

  12. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Awww, the fall goodness pics! You cheered me up considerably with showing these in your blog entry - the colors, and the pie!!!! Yummy -I'm drooling here, really ;)

  13. I love your Minimalist cardigan!!

  14. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I love your little totoro snuck in there amongst the tatting! great score on the beautiful treasures.. i hope your computer gets better soon

  15. Great photos today. And thanks for the photo of the back of the minimalist cardigan - I have a better sense of what it actually looks like, and now I am definitely in favor of making one.
