Saturday, December 08, 2007

Time to get out that Acorn Tree

The dried starfruit with li hing powder was a hit a work. I still think these are a bit strange tasting, but as the neighbors tree is all ripe at once I decided to make a really big batch. I found slicing them thicker works better as the first batch came out like potato chips. These take a little over 24 hours. I coated them with lemon juice and a little honey before drying. Tomorrow, the powder!

Having succumbed to Ravelry, I found a small group of Miyazaki fans and one knit a very cute Totoro. My version came out quite plump as I took the instruction "stuff firmly" seriously. He is posing under the Christmas Acorn tree with his new found friend. The yarns are Cascade Pastaza and Malabrigo. The eyes and chest markings are needle felted on.

Must Have is chugging along. I have two fronts going on at once. I find myself flirting with new yarn. Never mind that I have sock yarn in my stash. I'm trying to save up so I can splurge at Madrona, since it's so much more fun to buy yarn I have been able to meet in person.

The rain let up enough for a walk. It was so green!
Which reminds me. I have officially tendered my resignation, effective 6/30/2008 and I am happy about that:)


  1. i love your totoro! btw, what else do you use your dehydrator for - i'm thinking of getting one for my husband for christmas (we have starfruit!)or his birthday (new year's eve)....i'm jealous cause i was just thinking of retirement this week - rough week at work, but got too much house repairs to do and pay for (sigh....)

  2. love that firmly stuffed totoro. does your dehydrated starfruit come out chewy or crisp?

    happy holidays to you!

  3. Hooray for the impending retirement! More time to knit! Thanks for hosting us the other night. I had a great time.

  4. Ooh, that cardiganis looking nice! I really like the color.

  5. Gorgeous cardi, and I love the totoros! The fat one is especially cute, I think!

  6. li hing starfruit certainly sounds intriguing!

    i love the plump totoro and the way the must have is knitting up.

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Mmmm...I love homemade dried fruit. My favorite is dried honeydew! You should try it if you haven't. Like you said, big slices work better for chewiness instead of crunchiness. And it doesn't dissolve away, even with all the liquid in it, it leaves a nice, sweet meat! Soooo good.

  8. Love the bottom photo~ makes me homesick, but I'm glad you posted it!

  9. i love your totoro too! and contrats on the upcoming retirement.

  10. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Gorgeous photos of the drying starfruit & Koolaus!

  11. These starfruit look ever so yummy - I can well imagine how good they'll taste in the dried version - and just like santos I'd love to know if they came out chewy or crisp?
    The Totoro is so adorable once more, and I lovelovelove the acorn tree! Looking forward to seeing more of the cardi - what a gorgeous color!

  12. The Must Have is lovely, the color is great. hing...good on dried mango too...I miss our neighbors house in Pearl City. She had a huge mango tree, and let us have 100s of mangos. Yum. The dried starfruit sounds good. Cute Totoro too.
    Heard about all the rain you were getting on the news! Hope that all is well.

  13. You go girl! Resigning sounds lovely, I hope you are extremely happy about that!
    Love the totoro, and you know, your acorn tree is magnificent! I love it love it love it! (And that green green green looks enchanting from the land of white!)

  14. p.s.
    I tagged you!

  15. Your photos make me miss Hawaii so much.


  16. those little animal characters are so adorable :)
