Thursday, January 31, 2008

Of Watercress, Hat and Lilikoi

The cool weather has been very good for the watercress. Most of the watercress on Oahu is grown on a farm in Aiea, Sumida Farm. My mom used to make namool which I never cared for growing up,or watercress soup with abalone, but now makes salad using the wilted lettuce salad dressing.

2 bunches watercress
3 strips of bacon, chopped and fried crispy
1/4 c. vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon brown sugar.

After frying the bacon, remove bits and set aside. Add the rest of the ingredients to the oil and heat to boiling. Pour over the chopped watercress and toss with the bacon. For the "fat free" variation, use the precooked bacon bits and therefore no grease. It is fine with the veggie "bacon" bits, too.

A little small project, Utopia Hat from is a free pattern. She shares them on her Yahoo group.
Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash
Needles: size 8

I love the way the cables come together at the top. The cables are fun and the project is very quick to make.

Megan herself, shows us how a Lilikoi Knits and wears the Bar Harbor Shell Bag turban style. She allowed a photo modeling it if I promised to stop weaving in ends. The group vote was that I don't have to weave them in if I'm going to felt the thing! Hmmm. Food for thought, but scary to me...all those what ifs.


  1. i *love* watercress like that--sweet, sour, salty, bacony...thanks for the recipe!

  2. santos-Thanks for stopping by! Watercress sure has become one of my favorites.

  3. I really miss watercress a lot. It's one of my favorite fresh veggies. Lovely hat picture, too!

  4. I adore Namul, especially the watercress, so next time I'll just eat yours. ;-)

    Love the picture of Megan! That was so much fun.

    And I really do like that hat. I'm sure you'll find a deserving munchkin who will just adore it. ;-)

  5. I love watercress, thank yo for the recipe!

  6. the watercress looks ono. my husband grows some (dry land kind i guess you'd say) and it tastes a little different than the regular kind, a bit the turban bar harbor shell on megan - looks like i missed another fun night....

  7. Definitely going to try the watercress recipe because I always see it at Safeway and don't know what to do with it besides put it in soup! Love the orange hat. You get Cascade on Oahu somewhere? I'm so jealous.

  8. okay, now i need to make salad! i love the hat too. and i always weave in my darn ends even when felting. silly me.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    hey - thanks for that watercress recipe - sure sounds yummy, and thanks to the bacon, it's a green that even peary would like. has the felting process begun yet?

  10. oooh, this looks yummy and so fresh! Thanks for the recipe.
    Beautiful hat. I love the cables on it.
    You guys are having too much fun in Hawaii.LOL

  11. Your Utopia hat is great! And I love your bar-harbor shell bag! You have been a busy bee....
