Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random thoughts while treading water

At 3 months, 14 hours to retirement, I think a lot about saying goodbye to a 27+year career. Having a virus also makes me grumpy and somewhat negative. Maybe it's time to take those blues CDs out of my car, heh. And now that my Pakucho is done, what next? So I decided to take Kim up on doing the Random thoughts meme. Everyone who happens by this post is also invited:)

5 Random Thoughts
1. Really, I don't need a $200+ knitting book, even if it is Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting. It's pure indulgence and there are more worthy causes.
2. I think about that 35 year old man who died suddenly of a brain aneurysm. He was a patient assigned to me by the health plan who(m?) I never met. He was single. Who was he? I will not miss worrying about patients at 3 in the morning or on holidays and weekends after I retire but no doubt I will still think about them. I still think about Mr. H from medical school days.
3. I want so much to knit the red Fleece Artist Marina. I just don't think anyone I know, including me will wear a tube scarf.
4. Is there a secret to cooking pancakes? Why do mine cook too fast or too slow, heh. I'll have to get my sister, master pancake maker to share her secrets.
5. I think about all kinds of other hats I might try on in the next chapter of my life...librarian, prison doctor, etsy store keeper, substitute teaching. All dreams so far. I have no experience in retail. I suspect there are a million other jobs I never even heard of. It constantly amazes me at how small my world is.

Hmmm, I just remembered, I gave up thinking for 2008...I'm supposed to be living in the NOW. So much for resolutions. But then again, maybe random thoughts are not the same as thinking. I think I'll just let the mystery be.


  1. Awww...what a great post. All of our worries, aspirations, shortcomings...put into perspective by doggy thoughts.

    I still think about Mr. B from my early Med Tech days. Poor Mr. B. I hoped I helped save many people like him that I don't even know about...

  2. thank you for sharing your thoughts - ahhhh the sweet thought of kids won't let me retire yet cause they're still in school - my daughter just asked me last night if she could live at home forever so she doesn't need to cook....i just kept knitting....

  3. Okay, all thoughts on what you posted flew out the door when I saw the picture of the dog. Who's dog is that? Is it yours?!

  4. Hope you're feeling better! I wondered if you'd gotten a dog, too. But it's your dog-in-law, isn't it? Maybe he'd wear the tube scarf...I think you'll be great at whatever hat you decide to wear next; and remember it's okay to wear a lot of different hats; fashionable, even!

    Speaking of hat-kine things...I am knitting Calorimetry out of Malabrigo...malabrigo virgin no longer!

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    hey, who is this doggie?!? is this caper's long lost sister/brother? or did my caper reinvent herself as ebony and hang out with you while i was out?

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Haha! I love the dog's random thoughts! :o)

  7. Is that beautiful pup yours? I like this post, thank you for sharing your random thought! I have found that many librarians are coming from other industries...and there is usually a need for medical librarians...they have their own system of cataloging. It's very interesting.

  8. I totally get the pancake thing. Mine taste awesome, but aren't brown and yummy looking.

    Hmmm. I thought it was because I use Pam instead of butter...maybe I'm wrong.

    What is the secret to good pancakes?

    Martha? Martha Stewart?? Are you listening????


  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    It's the end of April as I read your March meme post. Retiring ni 3 months!!! In June!!! We will have to put our heads together to figure out what to do next. I'm still figuring ...
