Sunday, June 22, 2008

Black Koigu Broken Rib Socks

Pattern: Sensational Socks, broken 2x2 rib. K2P2 around, then K then next row around.
64 stitches.
Needles: size 1 Clover 5" dps. I tried the Hiyahiya short circs, but wasn't very comfortable on them.
Yarn: Koigu in black

These socks hibernated a bit but were rescued and completed in Kona. It was hard to to get inspired by the black yarn, so practical, but not so fun to knit, even in sproingy, wonderful Koigu.

I hit Kona early so hung out in Borders for lunch and the AC. I read about A Fine Fleece and had talked myself out of it, as I don't spin, but it is a wonderful book and I had a gift card! Yay! My Ultra Alpaca Lobster Mix Forest River Gansey was languishing unloved so I frogged it and started up Portland Pullover. It is a much better pairing!

The Hapuna Beach Prince was under construction so I was given a resort credit daily! YAY. I love the brunch and ate the best bread pudding I ever had, not to mention the fresh strawberries with bowls of whipped cream. It was so quiet and relaxing. I slept, walked the beach, read 2 books, finished my socks and attended the conference on Pediatric topics. The Hapuna Beach is the best beach on the the Big Island. It is surrounded by old lava flows. Waterworld was filmed not far from here and the ocean can be an incredible blue at times.
These red flowers were in bloom all over the place.

On the last day I drove around to Hilo. The Yarn Basket was open, but the owner was not in. I didn't have a lot of time there, but enjoyed squishing all the different yarns. I was tempted sorely by the silky wool.

At night I was serenaded by the e. coqui They are quite a nusiance, but didn't bother my sleep. I totally fell for this exotic goat, Nani. He was named Nani, a girl's name, but turned out to be a boy. I thought he was so unusual with his red hair and horns, only to learn he was painted! He acts more like a dog then a goat. I never noticed what unusual eyes goats have. Nani always seems to be smiling, too.

Hilo has a wonderful open market. It's a great litchee season in Hilo and the Big Island is known for its papayas. The anthuriums and orchids are amazing. I was only in Hilo one day, but managed to have the taro hash and pancakes at Encore. Yum!
This sign in the restaurant is made of a thousand gold cranes.


  1. Mmm. Litchee. My Popo used to send me a huge box every year whenever her tree came to fruit. How I miss that!

    Your socks look fabulous. I could never get the hang of those tiny circs either.

    I will get you to spin. Oh yes I will. ;-)

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Sounds like my kind of weekend! A thousand gold cranes you say? That's amazing!

  3. We could always do something about your not spinning -- yet!

  4. Sounds like a great trip. I had to take a closer look at that sign, I bet it's more impressive in person.

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    looks like we just missed each other on da big island, but had similarly enjoyable experiences. i made sure to pick up some of the more unusual anthurium bunches for my neighbor/tutu who does ikebana. if only i'd been able to stir up some knitting mojo! nice work.

  6. Love the socks. I'm going to have to put that one on my knitting list for the summer. Thanks for the link. Love Nani's red horns.

  7. Oh gosh, I'm just groaning with homesickness right now ... I haven't been back in 7 years, and sometimes it really hits me!

    Lovely socks, and it looks like you had a really great time!

  8. Lichee!! Ho I am so jealous!! A former neighbor of ours in Manoa Valley used to bring us bags and bags of them. Now I have to go 40 minutes away to gettum.

    Love the photos, even though they make me so homesick.

    And I'm with Opal... you must learn to spin!

  9. i love the texture on those socks, so pretty! i love that fine fleece book, there are many wonderful things that look fun to knit!

  10. Cool trip. Black socks do look great but they are he-- on the eyes. I'll have to use that pattern.

  11. Beautiful socks! A fine fleece is on my list. I do spin, but I think they provide commercial yarn recs.
