Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One for Etsy, Two for Retirement

My first knitted item in my very tiny Etsy shopAcornbud's Crafts. He is 100% wool including stuffing. In fact he is stuffed with roving from the spinning mad women, Opal who sells her lovely hand spun in her shop.

I used Zitron Loft Classic which was very nice to knit with.

Last night's sunset was pretty colorful. It's been rainy and humid all day.

I am nearing the 2 month retirement milestone. I love it. I don't ever want to work again! Those last few months of work were brutal and I'm still cleaning up the mess that resulted in me neglecting the home and house. I 'spose I better get those CVs out there though so I can find some kind of part time job, as that was the plan...a part time job, at least until I hit 60. It may take a while to find something.

I'm rearranging my stuff, and have thrown out or donated a lot of stuff. There is still a ton more. I have grass hidden in the edges of my yard that is 2 feet tall! Does it still qualify as grass or is it now a bush!

I joined a Ravelry group called Mittens for Akkol, which knits items for an orphanage in Akkol, Kazakhstan. So far, I have not cast on. The knitting mojo is in low gear, sigh.

Time to go put on the artichokes. Cooking them in a pressure cooking is the best use of my pressure cooker so far!


  1. Woohoo - I love your Etsy shop. I just purchased one of your lovely knitting bags. They're divine. Best of luck with this endeavor.

  2. I want that Totoro. Now.

    Thanks for the shout out. And yes I am mad. As in crazy, psychotic mad. :)

  3. oh! your shop looks so great!
