Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Walk Around the Neighborhood

In a lame attempt to stave of the effects of holiday eating, I'm trying to regain my resolve to walk. The neighborhood seems to be mostly ultra-green, the result of more rain. The colors are mostly white, yellow and orange, with a scattering of red.

I don't know what all the orange berries are. The Hawaiian "holly" is in bloom. The camellia appears to be a hybrid and may be an anomaly as it seems to be two flowers stuck together. I hope the baby birds grew up and flew before the nest blew out of the tree. One of these days I hope to get a good picture of the lehua. Reds are a challenge to photograph, especially when the wind is blowing. As this flower is not in my yard I don't fell entitled to pick it.

I've added a few new stitch markers and Snowball the cat to the shop. Snowball is sporting the Christmas hat. I modified fuzzymittens wee tree pattern for the hat. Now all the Totoros want one, too.
Cast on 30 stitches. Do 3-5 rows of K1P1 ribbing in white fluffy worsted, then change to main color and begin the decreases like her pattern. Add a few knit rows to make the hat longer in between the decrease rows, and add a last K2tog around last row before threading through the tail and pulling up. Add a pompom.

You might as well knit a bunch of wee trees, too. I know I am!


  1. I really admire your determination to walk! I wish that I had such willpower.

    Snowball is so adorable! I'm sure she won't be sticking around for long.

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I swear I am not going to buy that cat. She sure is cute though...

    You go girl! Walking is a great way to get your okole moving.

  3. What a great mosaic of your neighborhood! I know when I go back to HI, I HAVE to exercise because I am going to eat sooooo much! But I usually get really lazy too, so I am counting on you to be my motivation! :)

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Love the photo collage!

  5. You know, if you pick lehua, going rain, yeah?

    Seeing all the photos makes me so homesick! I'm so glad you posted them though... gives me a touch of home while I'm freezing here on da mainland!

  6. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. It's so sad to lose a pet. This little cat made me smile. Snowball reminded me of Sweetie. Very cute!
