Monday, February 09, 2009

Friday passed with nothing Finished or Frogged

I'm studying. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. The bad news is that the Advance Life Support guidelines have all changed since the last time I studied for it. The good news is that the algorithms are easier to remember.

I'm taking time off for show and tell.

I got this really adorable AND useful key chain from the talented Opal. She spun up the yarn, which I may have blogged about before. Thanks, Opal!

I suspect the real reason, beside the crappy economy, I decided to look for a part time job, is the shop therapy for January was out of control, heh. My half cotton cards came and I tried them out. I'm new to carding and I think it will take some practice. The cotton staple is very short, like 3/4 inch, and it is all stuck in the card. I managed 3 little rolags. It's a start.

My beautiful acorn nostepinne from the Etsy seller, Brandywine arrived. It's got an acorn, so I couldn't resist. Here it is posing on the the pineapple "bloom". It was a pretty rainy season and only two plants have flowers. I'm hoping the others will pick up, but I suspect they won't fruit until next year.

Adamas Shawl is picking up stitches and I've forgotten all my geometry and can't seem to calculate how far I've gone. I'm finally looking at the end of the first ball of Cascade Hertitage (437 yards). I have 9 repeats for the second chart done, which means 5 more to do.

Back to the study guide.


  1. i'm so glad you like the little pressie. that little acorn thingamajiggie is so perfect for you! those tiny rolags are perfect!

    did you catch this past week's BSG? i'm dying to talk about it...

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Long time no see! I have been away soooo long! I have a lot of catching up to do.
    How is the weather out there right now? I certainly miss my school out in Wahiawa (the smell of the pineapple fields out there will distract you from teaching class).
