Friday, March 27, 2009

Noro Fingerless Mitts, FO

Pattern: Kolenya by Carola Haglund, from Sheep and No City
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, color 149. Given to me by Kim Thank you!
Size 7 bamboo DPs.
Mods: twisted rib for cuff and top of mitt and thumb. I eliminated the bridges. This is a superquick knit.

I missed the full bloom of the orange hedge this year, but there were still a few stranglers on the vine.

The kolea around the block looks to be putting on breeding plummage.

Nothing more frogged this week, but Two Hearts in Beaverslide Worsted is inching along. I added a twisted rib. I'm starting to appreciate the whole cabling without a cable needle technique. I think it does save time.

Ysolda's book came. The mousie is just so cute. I may try the scarf with my one skein of seasilk, although the yardage is not quite enough. The beanie is gorgeous!

Now if only my Cookie A. book will ship! Ooh...update, shipped today!

Opal has given me the cutest little lollipop spindle. I love it! It is pretty and has a notch, which I think is a good thing. BTW, Opal has been making some incredible silver creations.

I plan to try it on the mohair freebie batt from Durable Dora. Thanks ladies!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something frogged, Something started and Something done

Frogged: This diagonal rib sock in this unusual spotty Koigu colorway. It is ugly, what can I say.

Started: Two Hearts from A Fine Fleece, in Mountain Morning Beaverslide Worsted. I am knitting in the round and added some ribbing instead of the rolled hem. I'm learning to cable without the cable needle. Grumperina has a very helpful tutorial.

I purchased the very cute crocheted Totoro from ellesbanscuties Etsy store. He is just adorable! She is creating an army of them!

The cardinal beads were a gift from Kim. Thank you!

Finished: Cookie A's Pomatomus. I enjoyed knitting them and the pattern was much easier to follow then I thought it would be. The yarn is green Koigu, and counts as my Project Spectrum project.

The job training has started and I'm doing a bunch of web based learning modules and finding my way around Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Marine Base where I will be working. I got new lab coats and decided to be cheap and do my own alterations. I got my first look at the electronic medical will take a while to get used to navigating it. My first actual working day is April 2. I will only fill in for 3 providers in case of illness or vacation.

The weather held up nicely for a walk with the blogless Jan and her Blue Healers. Malu, "my dog", ate no more birds on my watch, but I did notice Jan has fewer chickens now. Bad Malu-boy! He may be a case for Cesar.

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Finishing Friday

I had a list of things to finish today...mail bills, sew the buttons on Basketweave Vest, finish another quilted post card, finish Totoro Bag...nothing big. I also had a drape installed so that meant moving the TV and all those cables.

I finished a post card and got some buffalo buttons sewed on the vest. I hope it fits my friend Betty but I won't see her until August in Seattle.

The lining for the bag is in the "concept" mode. At least the planned fabric is washed and dried. I'm going for the zippered pouch look, perhaps with a wrist strap.

In my ongoing quest to find a game I like, I found this little guy...sackboy, who looks knitted. I'm probably kidding myself that I will be able to remember what all those buttons on the controller do. At least monsters don't come after sackboy and kill least I don't think they do.
Did I say he was knitted? What more can I ask for.

Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today started off with a wonderful rainbow outside my patio door!

There was also a surprise bloom out there...

It looked like rain...again...but although still blustery the sun came out and it got pretty warm. Today was soap making class at the Foster Botanical Garden. Blogless Melody retired from Kaiser last year a couple months before I did and she is "broadening her horizons" and those of others as a Friend of the Botanical Garden. As it turned out, the soap was quite easy to make. It just required a microwave oven to melt the base soaps, and various botanicals, pressed leaves and scents. In no time I had these very fragrant soaps. Can you smell the Mandarin Orange scent?

We all got a bag of lavender which I will give to the Knitted Brow next time I see her.

Foster Gardens has always been one of my favorite places. It is a lush garden in Honolulu full of exotic plants. I loved the moss on the rocks...

..the plumeria now with leaves and flowers.

...and so many weird and wonderful trees there, such as this spiny thing.

I'll have to go back there soon.

So what about the knitting? The green Koigu is rolled up into balls, and the pattern is selected. 2414 projects in Ravelry, Cookie A, Pomatomus. Cast on tomorrow. That's the plan. Because tomorrow is another day!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday already?

With the upcoming trip to Japan next month and the possibility of working few days when all the paperwork goes through, there are some little missions I have to complete.

Like underwear. Really, bras don't last forever, and it was time to just bite the dust and try some on. I miss Penny's, sigh. I decided to splurge and try Nordstrom's. So now I have a black one and it has those poky wire things. I even took a plunge and got my first camisole ever. I wonder if it will just sit in the back of the drawer?

Like, where did I put that stethoscope? I know I saw it the other day. I keep "hiding" things when people come over so there is the illusion of being neat, heh.

Like, ordering a lab coat. It's all about the pockets. I need a certain number of toys and several pens to feel official, ya know.

In the meantime, for reasons unknown, the electronic devices are revolting over here. The TV went first, then the amplifier, then the garbage disposal and now the DVD player. The beloved Bernina is giving a few warnings that it's time for a service. I wonder if was all the power outages we've had lately?

And my February Lady...frogged for Friday. Wrong yarn, wrong project. Yikes I have nothing on the needles. Nothing!!!

Good thing there have been some fun diversions!

Like the baby Max...son of blogless Michelle. So cute and chubby like babies are. And so willing to go from lap to lap!

And look her vegan cupcake! I had my doubts about a vegan cupcake but his one was onolishious and beautiful!

(Ginger cupcake from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World)

Like seeing Chris and catch up. She must have read my mind 'cuz she brought spam musubi! I hope she has better luck with her February Lady. I can't believe it's been almost 3 years since her last post!

I got some wonderful Noro Kuryeon 149 from Kim! No doubt it will inspire me to knit something (besides Totoro's that is) Thank you thank you!

Like having a Kuaaina hamburger and sharing fries with Angela, Opal, Dayna and Barbara. And getting an Oregon chocolate bar at Aloha Knitters, from a visiting Oregonian knitter.

Like having number 1 son came to dinner. I don't see him that much so it's nice to have him come to dinner. I even cooked. Okay well, I threw the chicken in the bag and turned on the oven:)

Like updating the shop with a few items...I'm happy to say a few knitted Woodland spirits and bags have found new homes!

And all the while keeping up with my shows...24, Battlestar Galactica, Bones, CSI,Medium and Tenchijin and Netfliks, continuing the destashing efforts and contemplating saying "no" to chocolate.

If you made it this far, leave and comment and you will be entered in a contest for my Blogiversary, April Fool's Day. I think it makes 4 years...but I'll have to go check on that.