Friday, March 27, 2009

Noro Fingerless Mitts, FO

Pattern: Kolenya by Carola Haglund, from Sheep and No City
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, color 149. Given to me by Kim Thank you!
Size 7 bamboo DPs.
Mods: twisted rib for cuff and top of mitt and thumb. I eliminated the bridges. This is a superquick knit.

I missed the full bloom of the orange hedge this year, but there were still a few stranglers on the vine.

The kolea around the block looks to be putting on breeding plummage.

Nothing more frogged this week, but Two Hearts in Beaverslide Worsted is inching along. I added a twisted rib. I'm starting to appreciate the whole cabling without a cable needle technique. I think it does save time.

Ysolda's book came. The mousie is just so cute. I may try the scarf with my one skein of seasilk, although the yardage is not quite enough. The beanie is gorgeous!

Now if only my Cookie A. book will ship! Ooh...update, shipped today!

Opal has given me the cutest little lollipop spindle. I love it! It is pretty and has a notch, which I think is a good thing. BTW, Opal has been making some incredible silver creations.

I plan to try it on the mohair freebie batt from Durable Dora. Thanks ladies!


  1. Lots of fun things - I love the Two Hearts. I can't wait to watch it grow and grow.

  2. Great shots of the kolea!

  3. the orange hedge is gorgeous! the koleas are so cute. i love how two hearts is knitting up. i'm so glad you like the spindle. :)
