Saturday, April 25, 2009

Etsy Update

The sewing machine is back from Bernina and has that nicely oiled hum.

I put 5 new bags in the shop including this green watermelon bag. (link is on the side bar) My plan is to make a few more this week.

Two hearts had a little set back, as I discovered 6 inches into the upper front that I had forgotten to bind off for the armhole. Yish. Now I have a bag of yarn vomit to knit up.
I still love the cables on the back.


  1. Ooh - love the knitting. Sorry you had to rip out. Never fun - but it's such a lovely sweater that it will be well worth it. Love the new Etsy items.

  2. great bag! I like the drawstring part, very functional, yet nice!
