Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not Friday yet, but Finished!

Not Friday yet, but Finished!

Two Hearts, back


Pattern: Two Hearts (still unblocked), from A Fine Fleece, by Lisa Lloyd. This is one of my favorite books.
Yarn: Beaverslide Worsted, in Mountain Morning colorway
Needles: size 7 and 5 Knit picks Options, size 7 clover DP
Mods: In order to avoid seaming I knit the front and back as one piece in the round then splitting at the armhole and knitting the front and back back and forth. If I do this again instead of binding off the underarm stitches, I would put them on a needle holder. I started with a 4x4 cabled rib. I knit the sleeves from the top down, by picking up 103 stitches (the number given for the end of the sleeve in the pattern) and marked off 18 stitches for a gusset and the 13 stitches at the top for the cable pattern. I ended with the same 4x4 rib, but continued the cable to the end of the sleeve. I followed the pattern for the rolled collar.
Comments: I loved the yarn and color. It is great to knit with and has excellent cable definition. My only issue was that there was some color variation that is noticeable on the front, but not enough for me to not still love the experience. I used the grumperina method of cabling without a cable needle and really loved it once I got the hang of it. Thanks, grumperina!

Also finished is this fine silver shawl pin. It started off with me trying to fuse a large circle of 12g silver. I used up a whole tank of butane (in my little creme brulee torch) and although it got red hot and I began to fear for my life, it never fused! So it became a free form heart shawl pin.

And last but not least, the fuzzy dice experiment. Blogless Sue challenged me to knit fuzzy dice for her vintage car. The fuzzy dice were popular in the 50s, and apparently the elite type were hand knit by a girlfriend of very fuzzy angora. I used Plymouth Heaven, which was a bit like knitting with cotton candy. The first one came out huge and has a little Crystal Palace Fizz added to it. The second one was a better size, but came out round as I stuffed it with fiberfill. I don't have the heart to tell her I'm allergic to angora, but I may still try it if I can fine some reasonably priced angora, or a sweater in the the second hand store to unravel. Pattern is from Stitch and Bitch Nation.

On the life scene, I've been working more hours then I thought I would, but assume this is a temporary condition as the person I'm back fill for had surgery and hopefully will be cured. All this work is seriously impacting my crafting time and lunch dates! I'm looking forward to today's Scarf Dyeing Class with the Saturday Walking Group, and Star Trek new movie, hopefully the IMAX version, with the Knitted Brow.

Live long and prosper!


  1. the sweater looks fabulous on you! you already know i love the pin, but i just love those dice! too cute. :)

    have fun at the movie!

  2. Ho hooooooo! Those dice rock! And, I really think that pin is gorgeous! You are braver than I, using a torch for anything crafty!!!! I'd probably singe my eyebrows off...

  3. The sweater looks wonderful, and that shawl pin! Fabulous! The dice look so cute.

  4. OMG - it's absolutely to-die-for I just went and ordered the book. ; ) Congratulations and wear it well.

  5. I justb saw your blog and work for the first time and love the creativity expressed there. I would be happy to send you some silver solder to try if you are curious.

  6. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Sweater, pin, dice....so Fab!

  7. Great sweater!!! Looks good on you, too (not always a given in my experience)!

  8. Wonderful sweater. I can't say that I can attribute cabling w/o a needle to Grumperina, but it sure is handy to know. I was doing it long before I started blogging.

    The pin is lovely. You'll soon be creating more beautiful jewelry.

  9. The sweater looks great, and like it fits you really well.
