Sunday, July 05, 2009

Projects and Pictures

Happy birthday, America! Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.

The Landcaster (number 2 son) tried out his camera on the fireworks over Pearl Harbor. They came out very nice. It was a nice dark night for fireworks.
Two days ago, the moon was red ~3-4am.

On the knitting front, I'm going to try my hand at E. Zimmerman's Baby Sweater on Two Needles. I won an ebay auction and will use some of the Bernat Organic Cotton in muslin. I plan to dye it after it's knitted. The yarn is not as soft as Pakucho. I started with a size 6 needle, but I'm going to go down to a 5 to make a firmer fabric.

Alas, poor Icarus. I did not have enough Sea Silk. I don't know how to get more as I don't know what colorway this is and the monitor colors are difficult to compare. I did only two repeats of chart two instead of the 4 and had 65% of the yarn left by weight, but that was not enough. This project will hibernate until it's fate is decided.

Thanks to a visiting number 4, blogless sister, my bag stash was completely depleted. I have two new ones in the store (see side bar) As I just got called to work tomorrow more will have to wait. I may have to work Tuesday, too.


  1. Beautiful photo of the fireworks!!

  2. Nice photo of the fireworks. Sorry to hear about the Icarus.
