Monday, September 14, 2009

A Different Kind of Blues

I took a Shibori Class on the spur of the moment. I stopped by Kuni's Island Fabric for some interfacing and saw the class sample. It must have been fate as there was room in the class! The class is taught by a fiber artist and teacher, Darius Homay. I arrived Sunday with my prewashed fabric and came away with 6 different techniques! Also, blue fingers.

I lucked out as all the other ladies were repeaters, so I had private lessons! Mr. Homay was very personable, knowlegeable and I had a grand time! I have another class next Sunday. Maybe by that time all the blue will be gone from my fingers and they can get blue again.


  1. Wow - that's very beautiful. I'm glad that's just dye on your hands. I thought some horrific accident had mangled you. Whew! I can't wait to see what you do with this great new skill.

  2. I love the Shibori. Your samples are beautiful. The only bad thing about indigo is the blue fingers but there is no replacement for the beautiful shade of blue.
