Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today a ended with a wonderful cloud show right before sunset.

I'm plodding along on February Lady. I got one sleeve done and put the other one on the needles. There may be an end in sight. After all, I started this way back in July!


  1. Y'know, Feburary Lady seems to be a slog. I slogged through it, and one of my knitters here is dragging through it, now.

    Beautiful cloud show. Is the heat broken, yet?

  2. How did I miss this the other night? Beautiful shot. Yay, February Lady is almost there! I agree with K-Brow about the slog; think the Lady is one of those knits I enjoy wearing much more than I actually enjoyed knitting it. Just go for the 3/4 sleeve. :-)

  3. what a gorgeous sky shot!
