Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009, Coming to the End

I started thinking about this post with a list of rants and whines, things that I want to let go with the end of this year. Either my memory is going or the list was quite short. So...I think I'll ruminate on the list of good things and keep it to myself.

I stopped by the folks es house this am to try and catch their psycho cat Kiko in action with her plastic bag. So far all the toys I've brought for her have been a bust, so I thought she would like a nice Foodland bag. But...she only seems to like this bag from Ruth Chris. She's either very snobby or it's that steak smell, or some other cat reason that I can't fathom.

Kiko and her plastic bag
Originally uploaded by acornbud

I took a plunge and decided to decorate my cell phone. Never mind that it's due for an upgrade and I still don't understand how to turn of the speakerphone. I searched high and low for Totoro decal to no avail, so Hello Kitty won by default.
Perhaps for the New Year I can read the manual and figure out the speakerphone thing instead of accosting total strangers and asking them to turn it off. When my techie devices (ASUS Netbook, Palm TX and Razr) die or if they hold out until I turn the six-0(mg)I will get a droid.

In the FO department there is Raccoon the Afghan. I went crazy after falling in love with Sirdar Foxy for the gnome beards and knit this afghan for my 2 year old niece. It was a very mindless knit, starting with 3 stitches, knitting in garter stitch and increase one at the beginning of every row until I was on the 6th skein, then knitting two rows, and the decreasing one at the beginning of every row until 3 stitches left. I follow directions from blogless deborahduck on Ravelry. She used some 30 skeins and made more then one! I'm so not worthy!Size 11 needles, BTW.


  1. kiko has gotten so big! :-o

    love the new cellphone and its holder. :)

    happy new year, barb!

  2. Can you believe this crazy year is coming to its end? And you're knitting raccoon fur afghans!! Kiko is adorable. Cats will play with the funniest things. Has she had catnip yet?
