Wednesday, January 27, 2010


leap-frogging through life
touching down now and again.
Seemingly random.

Pattern: Baktus by Strikkelise. A lovely mindless knit with endless possibilities.
Yarn: I have no ball bands, but I know this was gifted to me by Chris and is Knit picks sock something.
Needles: size 5, straight needles, Knit Picks Harmony gifted from Kim. I really love the sharp points and ease at which the yarn slides along.
Mods: I started with the Lacy Baktus but switched to the plain Baktus as I kept messing up. I continued to mess up the count on the plain Baktus until I switched the increases to the beginning of the needle. Go figure.

I have to call this done as I have run out of yarn just shy a few feet and will have to hunt for something that matches. This yarn marinated in the stash for quite some time as the colors did not speak to me. Baktus really allowed the colors to show up in an amazing way. I had been studying the color wheel trying to figure out what colors went with coral and the red-oranges I have added to stash for the red scarf project. (besides black or white). The pooling and striping really came out in an interesing pattern too.

I asked my son to put the tater tots in the oven and this is what I found when I took them out? Should I be worried?

The toilet in my craft room cracked after "only" 69 years. I had to say goodbye to the lovely brass handle. The new guy, basic Toto water saver moved in without a hitch. I had to organize and clean a bit so the plumber had room to work and these little guys and their acorn home were re-discovered!

Round 2 of Shibori with Darius Homay at Kuni's Island Fabric was a lot of fun. I went through all the basics from the first sessions. The best part is taking the clamping and sewing apart after the dyeing process and seeing what I got. The Mokume (wood grain pattern) is my favorite so far even though it's time consuming and uses up a lot of dental floss. Thank goodness I have a stash from way back when I always bought 5 on sale at Longs.

I finally destashed that sinful carton of whipping cream I felt compelled to buy over the holidays. I added a few chocolate chips to the Classic Cream Scones as if they weren't evil enough.


  1. believe me. randomness is totally under rated!

  2. i agree with weebug; however, that tater tots pan is one of the most amazing things i've seen this year.

  3. even after more than 20 years of doing [ and teaching ] shibori, it's still completely addictive
    I love your mokume
    have you tried it on silk yet ?
    just wonderful [ and you can use the same dyes that you would for wool because they're both protein based ]

  4. You know, I taught my son how to make home fries. Gave him a couple of potatoes to cut up and he cut them all into 4's and laid them out like your tater tots before cutting them into smaller pieces! It's pretty funny how un-random he is sometimes!

  5. oh this is what you ran out of yarn on! you poor thing!

    the pooling on it is just too cool. it's so hypnotic!
