Monday, September 27, 2010

Totoro Tuesday

This shadow box was a gift to me from my Japanese penpal Totoro is enjoying the seasons just as I enjoy Totoro in any season, for any reason ;)!

The two parts fold inward like a book.

On the knitting scene there are 3 more crocheted rock cozies added to my rock pile. They are a great small project to use up pearl cotton left over from other projects.

I've CO for another Clapotis, this time in Little Knits Indie II, cashmere/silk in lace weight. The yardage is not great so I'll just have to wait and see if it will be big enough.


  1. I love those rock cozies! I used to do the "cozies" for the plain Christmas tree glass bulbs. That was great fun. I might have to pull out my supply of crochet cotton and my doily book now. :D Also, love the shadow box. Very talented!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love that elegant grey clapper!! I'm thinking to make one for my mom for Christmas. Then my whole immediate family (excepting Pat and dogs) could wear them out together.

    Those rock cozies make me want to learn to crochet. I think there's a blog, called Resurrection Fern, that features them, too.

  3. You have the most special Totoro collection, Barb! Maddie loves to read your blog when you share your goodies!

    I was just looking at the yarn you are using for your clapotis - how do you like it?

  4. OOOOOOOOh, those lacy rocks are so cool! What a great idea!
