Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Totoro Tuesday Already!

It's been a busy week. Here it is Tuesday and no Totoro photos and currently not enough light, so I'm going with some scans. I think the thin plastics with pictures on them are for writing on a desk. The book was from the Ghibli Museum in Mikata Japan. (one of the high points of my Japan trip!)

The Hawaii Internation Film Festival is on and is keeping me busy. The Festival is celebrating 30 years! My favorite movie so far has been Railways. The Japanese country side is very beautiful as seen from trains and reminds me a My Neighbor Totoro. The story is about a 49 yo man who changes his life and follows his bliss. Monga was a gangster movie with lots of very young handsome Chinese actors, just like the announcer said.

Spinning Party was a lot of fun!. I'm reading up on wheels have narrowed the choices down to Majacraft Rose or the green wheel Suzie Pro. My spinning buddies both have the Suzie Pro. I must say it spins really well, but part of me is attracted to the more traditional looking wheel of the Rose.

I finished my first 4 oz. of fiber on the Lendrum. The superwash BFL was dyed by the talented moonlight baker of Hungry for Handspun on Etsy. She also makes wonderful soap. I started a little project but didn't have enough yarn...I can see why Opal doesn't think one should buy only 2 oz of fiber. 4 oz is barely enough for a project. My yarn is bulky or aran weight (by the eyeball test) and lumpy. It's not the fiber's fault, lol.


  1. that is some gorgeous handspun!

    I really like your Totoro tuesday posts :)

  2. Your spinning is coming along great. I've had my wheel for a few years and still haven't done anything. You are in inspiration.

  3. lumpy is best! once you learn to spin a consistent thickness, it will be challenging to go back to lumpy. that handmade texture is priceless.

    i would like to be invited to your next spinning party. i have a lowly gem, which should feel right at home with the roses.

  4. Thanks, ladies!
    thuy, blogger does not allow me to see email addresses for everyone. Message me through Ravelry or Aloha Knitters.

  5. Love the handspun! Gorgeous color too!
