Friday, July 13, 2012

TDF Day 14 and Catch Up

I finished spinning and plying my Alpaca from Upstream Alpacas around Day 12 The color is Pinot Noir. It's 3-ply except for the little bit at the top. I'm guessing is a worsted weight.
Being a-wracked with a virus and despite the day of rest, I talked myself out of starting my 8-oz braid of Polwarth. Instead I finished these little spools of odds and ends on my drop spindles. The spindles are both Bosworth's, and I dearly love spinning on them. The largest bit is some mystery wool acquired at Aloha Knitters knit night destash. While clean, it was just a big bag of disorganized fiber, so I carded some bits and spun them up, slubs and all. I may find something to ply it with eventually. The smallest bobbin is a silk hankie from Madrona, given to me by blogless Sandy. The green stuff is also a mystery, I think a silk blend. Happy Spinning!

1 comment:

  1. I think that green yarn is the same that I've been spindling up, too! Love the Pino Noir yarn.
