Thursday, January 03, 2013

Looking back at the year that was 2012

January *I can't seem to remember much. *I knit some, spun some and practiced free motion quilting with my new Janome Horizon sewing machine doing a Valentine Day table topper.  
February *CME on Kauai with blogless Kathy. There were some fun and inspiring moments...a great sunset at spouting horn, Waimea Canyon and Glass Beach. *Treated myself to some hand-dyed yarn at the only yarn store on Kauai, (it also sells ukuleles). *Finished shibori quilt. *Knit a pair of socks with my handspun. The yarn was an experiment in over-dyeing a yarn, and making a cable yarn with handspun and commercial yarn  
March *My accountant and I had a big shocker, when we discovered I forgot to pay estimated taxes for 2011 and got hit with a huge bill!. Once that mess was cleared up, I just knit more projects trying to use up stash. * Shoulder Cozy x3, pattern by Churchmouse Yarns and Teas. *I also discovered the pleasure of working with Noro yarns that have more cotton, the softness and convenience of Cascade SW and fell in love with Madelinetosh Pashmina. *Love the sideways shawls like Paris Mill! *Finished up Baby Nora's quilt and got that sent off. I stuck to straight line machine quilting.  
April *Finished a very old WIP, a Taro motif Hawaiian quilted pillow all done by hand. After staring at it for so long, it wasn't my favorite, but my mom has it on her couch and every time I see it now, I think it looks great!  
May *NYC!What a interesting city! So much history, so many neat old buildings and so much to do. I met some Internet friends in person and they were so much fun. I also went to New Jersey and had a wonderful meet up with my college roommate and her dog Razzie. New Jersey was in bloom with great pink dogwood flowers. I was surprised at how beautiful it was. But then it is the Garden State.  
June *Made some silver bangles with puka shells. All the rage here right now.  
July *This year I tried to keep up with the stages of the Tour De Fleece. Spun up nearly all the roving I had in stash. Tried a little art yarn, without much luck. *Knit up my Wolles' color changing cotton. I lusted after this yarn on Etsy and got some at SAFF 2011.  
August *My BIL retired so I went up to Tacoma to help the family celebrate.
September *Knit a bunch of hats. I love knitting hats. But, what does one do with all the hats? My favorites were Ripley, Norie, Scot Pilgrim Hat, Fish hat, Mobcap and of course the Noro snail hat. My nephew has a lot of these hats, but how many can one guy wear. Heaven forbid he should stop wearing hats or move to the tropics.  
October *While on Camano Island for a great GF trip, it struck me that if I lived in a condo I would have to pay condo fees as well as a mortgage, and for the condo fee I would have yard service! I decided to pay myself a condo fee and find someone to help me with the yard detailing. The Harvest Festival, Butchart Gardens, and the Chihuly Glass Museum were the high points. *After returning home I went on a frogging spree. * Finished breaker, a cardigan for my sister and 3 pairs of watermelon socks. The self-striping yarn by Abi Grasso is so much fun. *Knit more hats.  
November *Finished up socks with my Tourmaline Socks that Rock, medium weight. Fun yarn and project. It's a sport's weight yarn and I had a hard time deciding on a pattern for this yarn. *Pieced the Island Batik Strip Tease Pack I got in Clinton, NJ and sent it out for quilting. It makes me feel like I cheated. It’s mostly purple. I will keep it for myself.  
December *. Not the best season for me.  I just try to keep up and stay afloat and not eat to many cookies. 

Somewhere in there I went to the Big Island for a day for visit my friend Keokilani. She is an amazing, capable, women who goes about life with so much grace, beauty and gentleness. One of my heroes.

So what's up for 2013? Take it one day at a time. I've committed to a Lauhala Hat making class starting this month, and A Natural dye class in April. I'm signing up for the Senior Citizen quilting class. I'm attacking the various termites living in the house and yard, and getting a photovoltaic system installed. I'm sure there will be knitting, and more TV. Downtown Abbey Lady Edith KAL is coming up very soon! I'll continue to work for now unless they don't need me anymore. I'll have to re certify my ACLS soon. I was going to Madrona, but I was not able to get any classes at all, so decided not to go. Lucky for me because the Lauhala class came up!

I’m also trying to learn to use a supported spindle. The immediate gratification me thinks this is too slow. The spindles are beautiful so perhaps I’m going to be a spindle collector.

 I’m watching more TV and seeing fewer movies in the theater. Homeland, Castle, Dexter, True Blood, The Good Wife, The Big Bang Theory, NCIS, CSI, Bones, Downtown Abbey, Dr. Who. Thor was a cutie and the Avengers was fun. I still have to see the Hobbit Part 1. TV is probably why I knit so much.

Somewhere in there I'm supposed develop great enthusiasm for exercise.

 If you make it through this post and leave a comment before April 1, there will be a drawing for a prize (something for a knitter or crocheter). Please state whether you would like to be included in the drawing.

Happy New Year!


  1. You had a very full year!!
    Really looking forward to our KAL! I am stoked about the return of Downton Abbey, too. Also, Pat and I watched the entire first season of Homeland in 2 days last week. That was entirely too much Homeland.

  2. TV is also my knitting background and I'm thrilled to see that you enjoy many of my faves -- to find another Big Bang fan is great! I'm a cops and detectives fan so add Rizzoli & Isles, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist and Elementary to my list. [You can put me in the drawing.]
    P.S. I love keeping up with you and your crafts.

  3. sandy8:50 AM

    Very nice recap of 2012!
    Happy New Year!!

  4. Hi, planning on watching Big Bang Theory, too. Do you watch Modern Family? Planning on knitting down my stash, too. If my yarn could be converted to 401K I'd be set. Include me in my drawing, but I'd rather meet up with you and Sandy and knit! lol


  5. I love your taste! I would love to be in your drawing :)

  6. I've tried to crochet and watch tv at the same time, a couple of times but I seem to get less done. Probably because I am still a newbie. Hope you have a fun 2013.
    P.S. Can I get signed up for the giveaway?

  7. You had quite the year! I'm a TV knitter, too, although I tend to watch more on DVR and Netflix since my house is a buzzing hive of people. I'm watching The Tudors on Netflix and mourning the latest Downton Abbey loss :(

    Would love to be included in the drawing but also glad to add a new blog to my "reading list" !!
