Monday, April 01, 2013

And the Winner is....

kbrow! Thanks to everyone who left a comment and stopping by the ole blog

I started blogging 4/01/2005.  It was movies, rants and whines.  After I retired and got divorced I had much less to rant and whine about, so now it crafts, musings and food.  I find myself spending more time on Ravelry, Facebook and Flickr these days, and many of the blogs I followed in the past have gone quiet. I post most of my fibery stuff to Ravelry, my food to FB and travels to Flickr. 

It's sure a phenomenal place, this World Wide Web! 

Here's my first post ever:

"I admire the knitting blogs I have visited and decided to try my hand at it. I also feel the need to see my thoughts on the Internet just to see how it feels.

I just realized it's April Fool's Day."

Chatty as every, lol.  As a tool for self-therapy, the blog has be great for me.  It is cheaper then seeing a therapist.  The answers lie within, it seems...master of my fate and captain of my soul.


  1. Happy Anniversary! I've enjoyed getting to know you through blogging!

  2. No way, really?!!! You know I love winning things. Thank you for your generous offer of whatever it may be!

    I scheduled my Folk School class. I took a weekend class instead of a weeklong one - Soapmaking in October, unfortunately, the same weekend as SAFF. I am going to try to make it to both, though that might be a bit ridiculous. You are welcome to join me - I have NO idea what I will be doing in my life in October, but consider yourself invited.

    Can I just say again, how much I love your blog? It is always interesting to see what you are up to, though of course reading you makes me sad that I'm not up to it with you...I'm so glad you kept documenting it all...
