Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just Hats

Since subscribing to  some premium channels, getting a DVR, and being appalled my by cable bill every month, there are still days when 1555 fails me and there are no NCIS reruns to knit by.  So, I fall prey to some some of those reality shows...the vintage clothing LA one, oddities, project runway just to name a few.  I do learn a few things some days.  The other night I watched Vamps.  It is rated 4.9 on IMDb and 50% fresh or rotten by Rotten Tomatoes.  These ratings are a little high to fall into the so bad it's good category but,  but I found it pleasantly silly and stayed up and watched it all the way through. Dan Stevens of Downton Abbey fame is in it with his sparkley eyes and Alicia Silverstone plays cute, so well. 

Then there is Malcolm McDowell as Vlad Tepish the Impaler.  He has taken up knitting and impaling balls of yarn instead of people. A movie with knitting can't be all that bad, lol.    Sigorney Weaver is great as the blood-crazed maker, who is always on the search for love.  The movie ends up on Times Square.  Every since going to NYC, I have become very aware of how many movies and TV shows are filmed there, and what a really interesting place it is.  Perhaps I will have to go back to visit one of these days. 

I have been in a hat knitting mode.  I knit another Lenina with Noro Aya.  I had just one ball left and kept dreaming about it. 
The funny thing is how the two sides are so different.  That's Noro for you.  That glaring pink came out of nowhere. 

Another destash using my last ball of the wonderful and wooly Beaverslide in Cat Heather.

Pattern:  Beshert Chapeau, by Jill Horwich
Crochet Hook:  G
I really liked the look of this stitch.  It is very dense, and less stretchy then a knitted hat.  I will have to be on the look out for someone in the frigid north who looks like their head is cold.  Perhaps a shepherd. 
One can not watch too many sheep shearing videos.  I find them so entertaining.  It's a wonder to me how placid the sheep is during the whole process. 

It looks like strenuous work and hard on the back.

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